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Old 09-11-2001, 07:55 AM   #1
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Default Wtc

The World Trade Center towers in NYC have both been struck by planes this morning in apparently deliberate attacks. Both towers have now collapsed. 50 thousand people are estimated to work there. The number of killed and wounded is likely staggering.

If any of you believe in prayer, join me in praying for victims and their families and for the medical and emergency crews, and our government. (like the govt. didn't need it already.)
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Old 09-11-2001, 08:39 AM   #2
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This is unbelieveable. It is like a movie or something. I pray for all those people. I also pray that they find those responsible for this and take action!
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Old 09-11-2001, 02:59 PM   #3
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I am praying...
and I know this will result in some serious alligations...

There will likely be war.

I have predicted that the address that is to be made at 9:00pm EST tonight will without a doubt be a declaration of war with terrorism.

I've been watching the news all day, and intend to keep watching... I'll be back on when the news about this settles down, until then I am glued to my tv set.

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Old 09-11-2001, 04:22 PM   #4
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I sat eating breakfast in the student union today. The first plane hit while I was in class and many of the students and staff on LSU where watching the news when I got my breakfast. There was a cut to the white house and while they talked about how it might be a target when a cloud of ash started to roll by in the background. It was from the Pentagon, but we learned that 10 mins later.

We spent the day walking about campus, looking at each other and wandering if anywhere is safe. [The people of Louisiana always joke about how we are #3 on the "Military Hit List" because we are home to the largest Exxon refinery(the largest refinery in the country), Dow Chemicals, and many others. We have always joked how if anyone hit Exxon Baton Rouge would be a crater. ] I fear this will be one of the moments that everyone will know where they where at when it happened.

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Old 09-11-2001, 04:54 PM   #5
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Even if you dont believe in prayer plz take a moment do so, the families with appriecate it even if they never know.

Im in total shock and in fear. The thing that keeps going thru my mind is WHY? and What did you prove really by doing this? If you are going to do something like this dont take innocent people with you. What ever happened to the good old fist fights to solve problems now we have people that have to shoot, bomb, and ram buildings and in the same process take loved ones away with them, and to prove what?

Its weird when the building in Oklahoma was bombed I knew about it but it didnt affect me, but when I woke up to hear about the planes today I got a little teary. I think it is because this one it was caught on tape with the plane hitting the building and then seeing people jump out of the building from high above.

Ive got so many thoughts going thru my mind right now, so when they are in more order Ill write more.

And I hope this doesnt lead to the next war, PLZ.

Our prayers are with all.

Love you guys .
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Old 09-12-2001, 03:14 AM   #6
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I was in class as well when it happened... And I think the most frightening prospect that comes out fo this is not the horrific toll of death that the incident itself caused, but the prospect of war in this day and age. My parents lived through university under the doomsday clock, slowly moving towards midnight (I think the closest it got was 3 seconds away)... A war would be disastrous.

I have, and will continue to, pray for the families of the injured/dead, but most importantly, I will pray for a level-headed resolution to this issue. To see the news jumping to conclusions last night about the fires in Kabul, Afghanistan was scary... They were talking as if the US was already at war... And then it finally dawned on them that it *could* be one of the Afghani opposition forces at work, you know, since they are in the middle of a civil war. I think we also have to pray that the media does *not* make this any worse than it already is... If the media jumps to conclusions, we could have a bigger situation on our hands than what we already have.

I don't mean to sound like I don't care about what has happened. That being far from the truth, what I mean by all this is that the dead are, unfortunately, dead. There will be a lot of mourning, and a lot of consoling and counseling. But, what needs to be concentrated the most on is the international resolution of this event, or we could all become at risk.

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Old 09-12-2001, 12:37 PM   #7
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From what I've been hearing a large group of military countries have been rallying together to put an end to countries who harbour terrorists... many signs so far have been pointing to Bin-Laden and the officials from USA have not been denying it, and have issued once again that Afganistan release him into their custody. They seem, so far, to still be denying this... and have been since 1993 when the first bombing occured (also said to be Bin-Laden) I, frankly, hope this does resolve in some sort of military punishment to those who harbour these kinds of criminals... to me it makes them criminals themselves to do such a thing. Bin-Laden is a $200 million man who spends his money on training terrorists, and he does not deny that fact. He trains people to suicide bomb, he trains people to fire rocket launchers, he trains people to kill and cause the most chaos when doing so. How can it be that we allow this to go on? I'm sorry if there are so many who don't want to see a war arise from this event, but it's not just THIS event... it's many in the past... and probably many in the future. We have heard that this Bin-Laden has been copying Revelations in the bible, supposedly in hopes that he will end the world. This is rediculous... He is claiming, in essense, that he is god. and I quote from Revelations: (Sorry this is the NIV, no old english.)

"Look, he is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him;
and all the peoples of the earth will
mourn because of him
so shall it be! Amen.

" 'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the Lord God, 'who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.' "

Revelations 1:7-8

It has been said that Bin Laden was preaching to his terrorists that this is what will happen, and that he is "Lord God" himself. I don't know about you... but even if you are not religious at all.. you must see how horrible of a crime this is. To cause such death in the name of God... and then to claim that you yourself ARE that God.

I am sick of terrorism running so free... Something needs to be done, like in Password: Swordfish. Terrorism must be made an example of before it will stop. And who better to make such an example but the Americans and their numerous powerful allies.

And to Laur: I never heard once speculation that the attack in Kabul was american.. I heard right away them stating that Cruise missle attacks at that distance and in that amount of time would be virtually impossible... They were more concerned if it was Israel or another country striking on behalf of the Americans.

And remember, the World Trade Building was DESTROYED... It is not only an american building. 430 some odd companies from 26 countries world-wide use the same towers to conduct business from all across the world. This attack effects every single one of those 26 countries. Every conference we have heard so far has had very deep notion that war will arise from this. Frankly, I think it should. This sort of terrorism should not be tolerated.

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Old 09-12-2001, 01:00 PM   #8
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Indeed. The primary caution from me, though, would be to say that we must find the real perpetrators of this hideous event, because to punish the wrong people would also be heinous, given the attitude I am seeing and hearing concerning these events.

Kit, that is a good point about the other countries/businesses that had office space/people in the buildings. They also are involved.

I would as soon we never had another World War. My grandparent's generation was decimated by the last one. I had a grandfather and a great uncle that fought in it. They did and do have difficulty in speaking of it. There were vicious crimes against humanity then as well.

I am so sad.
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Old 09-12-2001, 05:21 PM   #9
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I agree with Rogue on we need to find the cowards that have done this and are behind this, especially Bin-Laden he will never stop until someone stops him. If we convict the wrong person then we will be sinking as low as them. They seem to be gettin closer to finding our the cowards and connections to Bin-Laden.

I would hate to see this come to a War, that is not what we need or want, there has to be another way we can take Bin-Laden and his followers out. I mean look at how many countries we got behind us and Im sooo thankful for that. It shows that our nation stands behind eachother when times are bad to fight for a good cause, TERRORISM!!!

Its sad how things only change in this country AFTER the fact, when something bad occurs, for anything to be done about it. Why not set up so things like this wont occur, like heavier, whats the word im lookin for, security at the airports and simple steps like that so families dont lose their loved ones. Just hate how someone has to die around here for anything to be changed.
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Old 09-13-2001, 04:38 AM   #10
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One of the scary things here at LSU is some peoples take on what we should do. Many think we should just start on the west coast of the Middle East and start fire bombing east. "Kill them all. Let God sort them out," is the quote being used here alot.

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Old 09-13-2001, 08:40 AM   #11
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Passengers May Have Thwarted Hijackers
Associated Press Writer

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. (AP) _ Just before United Flight 93 crashed, some of the passengers learned of the attacks on the World Trade Center and may have tried to overpower their hijackers and keep the jetliner from hitting another landmark.

Authorities have not disclosed whether there was a struggle aboard the plane, and have not said what caused the airliner carrying 45 people to plunge into a Pennsylvania field.

But some of the victims telephoned relatives from the plane and said that they had resolved to wrest control of the flight back from their captors.

Passenger Jeremy Glick, 31, telephoned his wife, Liz, after terrorists took over, Glick's uncle Tom Crowley said Wednesday. She conferenced the call to a 911 dispatcher, who told Glick about the New York attacks.

"Jeremy and the people around them found out about the flights into the World Trade Center and decided that if their fate was to die, they should fight," Crowley said.

"At some point, Jeremy put the phone down and simply went and did what he could do" with the help of an unspecified number of other passengers.

Among them was Thomas Burnett, a 38-year-old business executive from California. In a series of four cellular phone calls, Burnett had his wife, Deena, conference in the FBI and calmly gathered information about the other hijacked flights.

Burnett said "a group of us are going to do something," his wife said, and he gave every indication that sacrificing the passengers wasn't part of their plan.

"He was coming home. He wasn't leaving. He was going to solve this problem and come back to us," she said at her home in San Ramon, Calif.

CNN reported obtaining a partial transcript of chatter from the plane recorded by air traffic controllers as the jetliner approached Cleveland. The network said tower workers heard someone in the cockpit shout, "Get out of here," through an open microphone.

A second transmission from the plane is heard amid sounds of scuffling with someone again yelling, "Get out of here."

Next to be heard is a voice saying:

"There is a bomb on board. This is the captain speaking. Remain in your seat. There is a bomb on board. Stay quiet. We are meeting with their demands. We are returning to the airport."

CNN said an unidentified source who heard the tape claimed that transmission was of a voice speaking in broken English. The microphone then went dead, CNN reported.

United spokeswoman Liz Meagher had no comment on the transcript.

The three other hijacked planes in Tuesday's attacks destroyed New York's twin towers and severely damaged the Pentagon.

U.S. officials have said the Secret Service feared the target of the United flight was Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland about 85 miles from the crash site. Others speculated that the White House or Pentagon could have been targets.

"It sure wasn't going to go down in rural Pennsylvania. This wasn't the target; the target was Washington, D.C.," said Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa. "Somebody made a heroic effort to keep the plane from hitting a populated area."

He added: "I would conclude there was a struggle and a heroic individual decided `I'm going to die anyway, I might as well bring the plane down here.'"

During the flight, other passengers screamed and shouted through cell phones to share final words with their loved ones. Not Burnett, who seemed unshakable from his first call.

"He said, `I'm on the airplane, the airplane that's been hijacked, and they've already knifed a guy. They're saying they have a bomb. Please call the authorities,'" his wife said.

She called 911, who patched her through to the FBI. She was on the phone with agents when his second call came.

"I told him in the second call about the World Trade Center and he was very curious about that and started asking questions. He wanted any information that I had to help him," she said.

By the third phone call, "I could tell that he was formulating a plan and trying to figure out what to do next," she said. "You could tell that he was gathering information and trying to put the puzzle together."

In his last call, Burnett said he and some other passengers had decided to make a move. "I told him to please sit down and not draw attention to himself and he said no. He said no," Deena Burnett said, shaking her head with a half-smile.

In Washington, Attorney General John Ashcroft said each of the planes was seized by three to six hijackers armed with knives and box cutters.

Crowley said Glick described the terrorists as "looking and speaking Arabic," and reported that they were armed with knives and had a "large red box" they said contained a bomb.

The plane had left Newark, N.J., at about 8 a.m. for San Francisco. But it banked sharply as it approached Cleveland and headed back over Pennsylvania, losing altitude and flying erratically.

It slammed nose-first into a field about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh at 10 a.m. _ an hour after the Trade Center crashes and about 20 minutes after the Pentagon attack. Hundred of investigators were at the scene Wednesday, hoping to recover the plane's cockpit voice recorder and other clues.

Deena Burnett is sure her husband had something to do with the fact that with this plane, at least, no one on the ground was hurt.

"We may never know exactly how many helped him or exactly what they did, but I have no doubt that airplane was bound for some landmark and that whatever Tom did and whatever the guys who helped him did they saved many more lives," she said.

"And I'm so proud of him and so grateful," she said, breaking off to choke back a sob.


EDITOR'S NOTE _ Associated Press Writer Michelle Locke in Berkeley, Calif., and D. Ian Hopper in Washington contributed to this report.

Cut and Pasted from

On a personal note:

I just thought I would put this on here because we in a sense have our own suicide bombers who are willing to take action no matter what the out come to prevent major catastrophy. The difference between our suicide bombers and theirs is one thing, this man and others did it to prevent the loss of life, not to cause it.

I hope to God we find out exactly who is behind this, (we have an idea but there just isn't enough concrete proof) and we take care of it with a firm hand and as little blood shed as possible.
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Old 09-19-2001, 12:56 PM   #12
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fly this high on any and all websites you may have, I haven't yet put it on my personal website but I put it on the three websites I'm currently working on:

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