I am regrettebly being forced to move back home with my family in pennsylvania. Theres no other way of putting this, but im dieing. When i moved out here to washington, i learned that i have a rare clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden. I found out my having multiple pulmonary embolisms( basically a s@$^load of clots in my lungs). I have been on blood thinners ever since. The last few weeks i have been in and out of the hospital due to complications, and as of today im still coughing up clots and on occasion fresh blood. My regular hemotologist has given me 3-6 months, and I went for a second opinion which was slightly more optimistic. the second opinion was for 6 months. So yea, im moving home to die with family. The only bad part is that viking funerals are illegal in the U.S.
Anywho, i will try to keep logging back on here as long as my health and longevity remain "intact". And since prolly only like 3 ppl will respond to this i should let you know that with much help from my morbidly twisted sense of humor i have come to some sort of a grip with my mortality so i wont be needing any kind of solace. and btw ty gryph for the spellchecker because im on alot of pain killers lol