So as I said, I started to notice all of this stuff today when I was out snowboarding and had time to just sit on the mountain and think about things.
That is often the best way. So is asking someone you trust in relationship matters what they think.
And if you're truly serious about being broken up with her, you've got to remember that the best way to get through a rough time like this is to spend lots of time with your friends, family, and even go meet some new people. Meeting new people can help freshen your experience of life (and help build your confidence for that day that you run across a gal that's good for you). And spending time with family and friends can really help you remember yourself and what's good about you.
I'm sad to see such a drastic change for you. But from what you have said, it sounds like it was the right thing to do. That part about you telling her you're not the "fall back guy" may have been a bit over the top, but you did something that will probably help you heal in the long run. I've been where you were before, but I wised up pretty quick. It sucks that it was your experience too, but it'll help you later on because you already have a good "gut feeling" of a healthy relationship (good REAL communication, mutual respect, mutual loving feelings, and either the knowledge or instincts to recognize that something is wrong).