View Full Version : Xbox anyone?
Spinning Hat
11-16-2001, 01:30 PM
For those of you who don't frequent the XMEN boards, or if you just want to see what the Xbox looks like inside, head on over here. (
11-16-2001, 02:24 PM
How dare you darken the forums with the shadow of that 'thing'!
:mad: :mad:
Microsoft is evil and so is their console system! (but Halo is cool)
:imu: :mg:
Xbox sucks, Ms sucks, yes it is evil RD :)
PS2 all the way, and I have'nt seen one to even come close to MGS2 (Metal Gear Solid 2), srew halo
Spinning Hat
11-16-2001, 03:16 PM
You didn't even look at the thread did you?Please go read my comments in the OTHER thread that is linked above before you get on your soapboxes please...
11-16-2001, 04:14 PM
Everyone knows what it looks like :p .
Halo is going to be a blast. We have been watching its progress since they first started showing it.
How do you know the XBOX sucks? Do you have one? Have you even tried it? :p
SH- I did read the other thread, I posted twice
Stang- Jester tried it, it has to load everytime you swicth room, he says its the most annoying thing
did you look at the other thread, it ai'nt even a console
11-17-2001, 09:36 AM
My friend has one...:barf
11-17-2001, 12:48 PM
We knew it wasnt going to be an ordinary console game system, its branching out from all the other ordinary game systems.
OMG how dare someone try to make something different!!! :o
Doesnt matter who likes it or not anyways, people have a problem with every system that comes out, so nobody is EVER completely satified.
To Each His Own!!! :D
XMEN Timmain
11-19-2001, 06:54 AM
HALO rules. Played it @ an EBX this weekend.
Gimballed turrets on the 4WD.
4W-steering on the above-mentioned vehicle.
But no jetpack.
11-19-2001, 09:10 AM
Gimballed turrets? I might just get one for that, just to see it done right.
But no jetpack bites. :(
One game: Metal Gear Solid 2
it ai'nt available on Xbox, one good reason not to get it :devil:
11-19-2001, 12:58 PM
Halo is the bomb not a bomb.
It rules some extreme combat.
I'd get the Xbox just for Halo
11-19-2001, 04:48 PM
you keep referring to Xbox as a PC
If i could get a PC like that for 300 then there would be something wrong. Consoles are COMPUTERS (not like the one you are on when you read this) but are also dedicated to the games and not an OS and other programs you might have open.
Bottom Line: Even if if is a PC you still get a system that runs excellent games
(BTW: I own a PS2 and am not currently intending to get an XBOX but i will not bash it because of its financial backing)
11-19-2001, 06:10 PM
You are soo against Microsoft Razoor and your going to go buy an XBOX?
Why do you hate them anyways? And dont say "cuz they make lots of money and hog the way for others" thats a lame ass excuse. And if you do buy an XBOX you do know you will be giving money to them right? :D
I personally have nothing wrong with Microsoft their programs have never given me any problems.
Spinning Hat
11-19-2001, 06:46 PM
Yeah, none of their software gives me any problems except Windows. :D
Xbox is the same price as an PC in Canada, and besides, games on Xbox are gonna come out on PC, cause Xbox is a PC, and another game Xbox does'nt have is GT3
11-20-2001, 03:16 PM
Hmmmm... Maybe there will be XBOX emulators...
11-21-2001, 02:05 PM
Have you heard that Bleem! is shut down?
Spinning Hat
11-21-2001, 02:26 PM
How the Hell can an Xbox cost as much as a PC in Canada? To buy a decent new PC here it's about $1000 U.S. The Xbox is $300. I think the math is starting to confuse me....
you can get an celeron PC for about 800$, the Xbox is 650$, close enough :)
Spinning Hat
11-21-2001, 09:25 PM
OMFG! I knew the Canadian Dollar was inflated from the US Dollar, but $650 freaking Dollars for an Xbox?!?! No way! So I suppose the PS2 is about the same price then? That would suck. :/ And here I thought $300 was spendy.... Then again, I had to wait 3 years for th PSX to come down to $100....
:hammy: :hammy: :hammy: :hammy:
The PS2 is 400$, and you get a game with it, alot better price then Xbox
11-22-2001, 03:14 PM
Stuff is very expensive here...:mad:
Which is why i will move to Japan or the USA
Spinning Hat
11-23-2001, 09:30 PM
Move to the Good 'ole USA. It's a lot easier to keep speaking English than it is to learn Japanese..... :)
11-24-2001, 05:37 PM
Belive it or not alot of people in Japan speak english. (or at least want to)
And if I move to the USA I'll probably move to Seattle, to where rest of THZ is.
Spinning Hat
11-24-2001, 06:42 PM
I see how you are.... Leave me here in Minnnesota to be the only THZ*er in this state?!?!?! That's just mean..... Frankly, I think I'm the ONLY tribes player in Minnesota.... I don't ever see any hosted here, nor have I met any other Minnesotans in my wanderings in T1 and T2 IRC..... I feel so alone.... :(
11-25-2001, 06:38 AM
At least it's not as bad as being called the 51st state of America.:disgust
SH, will always keep you busy and won't even notice that your alone;)
I would move to the state wiht the best ski hill
11-26-2001, 04:17 PM
Well ,SH , think of how THZ expanded.
Tell your friends.
The 15 post where made by Maz, SH, and RD:)
And the subject not even about the Xbox now:lol
Spinning Hat
11-27-2001, 10:01 AM
That's just it Dragoon, I don't have any friends who play Tribes. They all like CS and Rainbow Six and Quake..... All of them horrible awful games, I get them to play with me for about 5 minutes when they start going: "Hey! You're Flying! (i.e jetpack)That's cheating!" and when there's a few of us they complain about my "camping" on the flag..... Hello? McFly? HoF sits on the flag and knocks your ass off the damned thing! I can't stand their incessant complaining about gameplay issues that really aren't issues- they're part of the game and it's tactics..... Oh yeah- and they HATE it that there's no one shot kills... The actually have to work for a frag- go figure.
:lol Cheating is flying :lol
11-27-2001, 07:05 PM
Yeah how dare you have to ACTUALLY work for your kill. Hate whiners!!! :cry
Great thats all we need is you around here Dragoon :p . J/K We have enough weirdos around here.
Weirdos, who? I don't see any wierdos
Spinning Hat
11-27-2001, 09:45 PM
Weirdos? no weirdos... jsut alco.. no.... lus... no... Drunks! thats it! Drunks! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!
:hammy: :hammy:
11-28-2001, 01:06 PM
/me goes into scheming mode
Heehee, Christmas.
Buy your friends T2 as Christmas present
Spinning Hat
11-28-2001, 06:22 PM
That IS an idea....
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