View Full Version : Why do women....
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-12-2001, 12:32 AM
come in groups?
Why do they all have to come at once, in a BIG group?
Why won't someone ANSWER ME!!??
And why the hell don't I figure out a way to date my HOT students? Huh? Any ideas? Right now, I am limited into running into one of them after the quarter ends....or getting them to come over to my apartment to "watch some movies". ;)
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-12-2001, 01:48 AM
Why do women have to be confusing?
08-12-2001, 02:04 AM
uh What? this isnt tribes related yo
08-12-2001, 10:52 AM
This is the Bitch Pit, it hasn't needed to be a Tribes related forum. :p
On Topic......I can't answer :/
08-12-2001, 11:03 AM
lol no kidding?
08-12-2001, 11:30 AM
It was a joke? It was pretty llame.
08-12-2001, 11:46 AM
It's because women SMELL despiration, Asha... I swear.. it's a sub-ability of estrogen... We can tell exactly when you need it the most.. and that's when they will come in hoards and tease the hell outta you.
I suggest a Cross, Holy Water and a neckless of Garlic... Oh yeah and silver bullets will help too.
And lots of roses... All girls love roses :D
08-12-2001, 02:40 PM
We do it to keep you on your toes :D , we dont want you guys to get bored :) .
I will admit that we are confusing at times and have no clue myself, I have pondered the thought. I think its in our blood and its just instinictive.
*hint* *hint*
Groups of women, 3 somes, Manage a Trois, need anymore clues :D :D :D
*hint* *hint*
And yes we LOVE ROSES, those always seem to do the trick.
08-12-2001, 02:44 PM
Sex is also a good stimuli, if you're good looking and you keep it real. No, missionary isn't *boring*...
A good thing to remember with women is that we have bounds too... We aren't completely wild and crazy. We just have a lot of emotion... :D
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-12-2001, 10:43 PM
The girl that I went out with tonight was absolutely gorgeous! I was like "Holy Crap! This girl is HOT!!".
She told me that I have to be more agressive though...and that I have a second date with her. Whatever that means....
What does that mean?
08-12-2001, 10:48 PM
It means dont be shy, GO FOR IT!!! :D
Not like go for it like in score with her but you can go in for a kiss and stuff.
BJ was a shy one, he needed to be more aggressive. Now I cant get him away from me :D .
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-13-2001, 12:45 AM
Good lord I wanted to kiss her!!
BUT, I thought it would be more fun to tease her a bit instead. ;)
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-13-2001, 12:47 AM
Oh, and the funny thing is that I didn't know her until last week, really. BUT, she knows a lot of the people that I call friends, and my roommates. They all went to the same highschool.
Ah well, I've got to plan a second date that will work around my schedule. :)
08-13-2001, 06:00 AM
Go for the TKO... Asha, when a girl says more aggressive, it means go for the gusto... initiate conversation, action, kisses, dancing... It means sweep her from her feet. Be tactile... ie - Hold hands, instead of being a stranger. but, whatever you do, *DON'T* be presumptuous... Aggressiveness does not mean you can call her your girl *yet*. Just hang tight, ask her what she wants to call your relationship... And have that talk. Second date is the springboard to many more dates, or the end of the relationship.
Hope I'm being of help :D
08-13-2001, 08:17 AM
Laurelin-senpai, you're so... so... I don't know, full of advice. *_* Sugoi na~ :: eyes sparkle ::
:: creates a Laurelin Fan Club :: And I'm the president, which means she belongs to ME! I mean, uhm, wait, did I say that out loud? ^.^;;;
Actually, I have complaints of my own about girlfriends right now. :: grumble :: But they're my own fault, and there are too many IRL friends of mine here to go too much into detail... :: glances around conspiratorially :: The walls have ears!
:: runs away suddenly, a lone superdeformed chibi-type vampire-girl in the night. Ehrm, late morning :: *That late already*? I forgot to go to sleep last night again. :: whine ::
Mata ne. o.o;;;
08-13-2001, 09:30 AM
Call me, then, Mana... you know my number... besides, weren't we supposed to play DDR today?
08-13-2001, 10:40 AM
Hehe, DDR would *so* cheer me up right now. Unless, of course, the first controller started acting up again, in which case I'd just get mad and kick the stupid thing a lot >.<;;;
Aaaaaanyway, I think you'll like the new MALICE PV, senpai. ^_^ Beast of Blood is sooooo great (wai wai~)!! And it's not as "budget" as their Gackt-era videos... when their old label Nippon Columbia was all like, "We're too cheap to pay for quality film, so we'll make your PVs look like bad soap operas!" Hehe. You'll see what I mean when we watch the PV for "Le ciel ~kuuhaku no kanata e~". "ILLUMINATI"'s PV is pretty cheap too, but at least that one has the flashy lighting effects goin' on. And the fake virtual reality chairs. *Gotta* love that.
Ohhh, I am the Queen of Off-Topicness.
T_T <--tears of... joy? well...
Mata ne.
08-13-2001, 05:43 PM
And you call us girls confusing? Then you go and tease us sheesh :D .
Men play games just as well and are JUST as confusing. :p
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-23-2001, 01:18 AM
I think that men are much easier to understand than women. I've never really trusted myself in how I interpret what a woman does or says. Yet, I can easily figure out what a guy means when he says: "Cool."
08-23-2001, 05:53 AM
The reason men cannot figure women out is that men don't listen.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-23-2001, 12:25 PM
Why do women always have to insinuate things? Why can't they just come out and explicitly state what the heck it is they are talking about?
08-23-2001, 03:00 PM
Hey we do, like Rogue said you dont listen.
Us not sometimes sayin what we should right out is like you men not gettin the guts to just come over and kiss us. Works both ways :D . Men are just as bad us girls.
08-23-2001, 03:18 PM
I do say what I mean. Loudly and with feeling. All the time. Ask Gambit. :D Men do not say what they want because they either don't KNOW what they want, or all they want is.......well, you fill in that particular blank. Heh. Men are no good at identifying what they really want, and because they can't admit that, they won't be straight with ya.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-23-2001, 05:55 PM
well, I know EXACTLY what I want from this one girl. But I KNOW if I come out and explicitly state it, she won't have any interest in me anymore. (And no, it is not JUST sex...though that would be fun. ;) )
08-23-2001, 06:40 PM
Well, what is it you want, if not the obvious? Perhaps we could help you figure out a better way to phrase it.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-23-2001, 10:11 PM
I am a one-woman guy. I can't handle more than one at a time.
I am not looking for a short term relationship.
Nothing that is one-sided. I'm not an emotional pillow (been there, sucks ass). I don't want to be a friend.
I think that the way that it would come across, when I tell her, is that: "I just want sex." That's not true. For me, there is more to a relationship. I don't want to come across as a pansy-boy either.
Does that make sense?
08-24-2001, 03:53 AM
So tell her, "I want to hook up with you for a long term relationship. I like the way you look, the way you laugh, and I think we'd be a great couple." Don't beat around the bush, jeez... Lets just say I had an interesting encounter very recently where that same beating around the bush was happening, and I was kinda irritated, but the subject matter was *A LITTLE* more sensative... eh heh heh.
08-24-2001, 06:07 AM
Laur's right, you have to at least TRY to tell her what you want. Women cannot read your mind any more than we can read yours, and as I'm fond of telling Gambit, "Speak up, I can't hear your head rattle." If you tell her and she leaves, how is that worse than not being honest about your wishes and intentions so she leaves anyway?
Just word it very simply to her more or less the way you did with us. You want a long term relationship because you are a one at a time kinda person. You'd like to know if she feels that way about it or if she is less serious, because you think it's more fair to both of you to know where you're going and what the emotional involvement is. If she's not ready or the emotional commitment isn't the same on her side, ok. Work it out together or go your separate ways.
I realize it's risky, and I feel for ya.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-24-2001, 12:22 PM
I told her exactly what I thought.
She said that she wanted the same things, but was taking it slowly. (She got out of a relationship in December that was pretty long term.)
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-24-2001, 12:26 PM
Oh yeah. That's cool with me. I think it is a fine line between being 'just friends' and romance. I know what side I want to be on, and now, so does she.
Whatever happens, happens. Things will work out for the best.
08-24-2001, 12:48 PM
See, she didn't run screaming in horror. That straight talk stuff will do it every time. We told ya. :D Good work, Ash.
08-26-2001, 03:23 AM
Sucka! He finally got trapped... I mean, way to go :D One day... just one day... NM, I'm babbling when I'm typing now...
08-28-2001, 02:59 PM
Don't you usually babble when you type, sweet thang? :D
Spinning Hat
08-28-2001, 03:30 PM
First of, I just want to say women suck. (Not that way, get your minds outta the gutter ;)) I've been married for almost a year, (Sept. 9th) and women are still as confusing now as they were before. I bought her a car that needed some work, and when I go to my friend's house to work on it, all I get is "Why do you always go over there? Don't you want to spend time with your family?" She's starting to get better, but it bugs the hell outta me. But when I do come home, it's "Is it done yet?" and then she bitches all week that her car isn't done..... Women suck.
08-28-2001, 04:52 PM
You know you men can sit there and tell us we SUCK but you guys SUCK just as much and can be JUST as annoying as us, so watch it bud :mad: .
And if we suck so much why do you guys come back for more over and over again? :D If we are that bad then maybe you should leave us alone :twak: .
Id like to see a guy on here get REALLY serious, and mushy if thats what it takes, and tell us why you like us. Show us your sensitive side :p, since we see you whining about us, when you men are JUST as bad.
I DARE YOU!!! :devil: Otherwise stop your whinin' you big babies :cry .
Spinning Hat
08-28-2001, 06:06 PM
You see, men are stupid. We don't mean to offend, (yet often do) and in our stipidity (and confusion that goes along with it), do and say stupid things. There's always been a mystery between the sexes. Why, I don' t know, but it tends to lead to some, friction. It's not that women suck all the time, because I'll admit that men suck too. I didn't mean to offend earlier, it was just a rant that has been bothering me for a long time. Please forgive me.
The Ghost of MG
08-28-2001, 06:44 PM
OK here is my point of view. Forget this plain good vs evil thing. The fact is that people are more like shades of grey then being pure evil or pure good. However, the way you look at people also factors into this. One person might be attracted to people who are more evil, while others prefer people who are neutral, sit on the fence types. For us men, women can be confusing but men can too. There is no special law of time and space that dictates that "Women shall confuse men and the reverse may also be true". People's heads are just so loaded down with so much preconcieved notions and stereotypes, they just don't realize that men and women are pretty much the same. Therefore it IS possible for men to understand women and vice versa.
The key is that people expect to see things and when they don't, they get all "oh this is confusing". Take a girlfriendy/boyfriendy relationship. What does it always start with? Holding hands. Then kissing and other stuff, it proceeds almost like ppl follow a plan. Now consider what would happen if pattern was broken? What if the persons in kwestion skipped all "steps" and went right out and had SEX. What would you say? Slut. Ho. etc... What if ppl just stay as regular friends, they never go on to "something ELSE". Ppl think it's wierd. They pressure, they ridicule, etc. What makes this kind of relation any different than a same sex (and I DO NOT mean this in a gay or lesbian way, I speak strictly as a straight person myself) type of friendship? Nothing. Really, the way to build a good relationship is to start off as friends, because guys and girls are no different. I have seen crossovers both ways (i.e guys who want to be girls and girls who want to be guys), and it really makes no difference. A person is just who he or she is, regardless of gender. What I'm trying to say is that being of opposing genders doesn't make it like you're some alien species, but people seem to see it that way, I have no idea why. I like gurls, I reely do. And they aren't confusing at all to me. Maybe, SH, your problem is really a matter of differing levels of knowledge. My mom just so happens to be an amazing mechanic, and knows more about cars then I do! *gasp* Big surprise! (sarcasm) Your wife just doesn't know about cars and that some repairs can cause a domino effect (of your own creation or otherwise) or just take a helluva long time. It's a lack of information, not just becasue she's female. Try to strike a balance between car repairs and being with your family. Or you could take a vacation (all family) then go non-stop at the car. It all needs some good explanation, that's all.
Spinning Hat
08-28-2001, 08:37 PM
it is true, my wife knows very little of Cars or computers, but she's learning. I spend a lot of time during the week with my family, an don the weekend I like going to work on her car. It had a bad head gasket, which doesn't seem like a big job, but when you think of all that's connected to the motor, it gets real big real fast... And there's other preventitive things I have to do so there are no big problems later, and that's taking the most time. Finding parts is generally not fin, and I spend most of my weekends finding parts... But other than the whole work on cars/spend time with family dillema, we've got a strong relationship and that's all that really matters. We were friends before "going to the next level" so our ties that bind us go much deeper than some people I know... And I'm pretty luck with that.
08-28-2001, 09:35 PM
Do you not know about things called paragraphs? Use the :enter: key more sheesh.
Um I didnt understand a thing you said MG and what I did I dont think you can come in here and spill out stuff that you really have no say in, your still young and havent been a serious relationship, Im sure. Come back when you can relate :). You are someone on the outside lookin in thru the window or however that goes :).
What is wrong with 2 people getting together just for sex? Nothin at all wrong with that if that is what both partners want. You dont need a relationship, especially if your not looking for one at the moment and just want to soil your oats or just got out of a long relationship, your not leading them on if you tell them. I see nothing wrong with that at all.
Your forgiven SH, I didnt mean to sound rude just need to stand up for my side so you men dont get a big head :D. In a relationship there is time to spend together and then there is time that should be spent apart, it helps a relationship. So maybe when SH spends time on the car she should take it as this is our time apart and then when things are orginized it will be our time. Which Im sure SH spends plenty of time with his family.
I just think that all your talk MG is a lot of hypothetical stuff and it will be SOOOOOOOOOO much different when you get to where we are. Things dont work out the way you described and never will. But I will say it is nice to start out friends before going any further :). Youll feel the same way as SH does some day and then come in here bitchin :p.
Spinning Hat
08-29-2001, 08:27 AM
08-29-2001, 09:03 AM
:D Personally, I don't want Gambino around all the time. He's kinda high maintenance, twitchy and easily bored. I find it easier just to play schedule coordinator and say, ok, we got family time at four this afternoon, or, we are going to the park at 12:30 and taking a picnic. Show up in the kitchen at 12 to make sandwiches or else. He does MUCH better with a list, and if you tell him, ok this needs to all be done by monday morning, or the vaccuming needs to be done by twelve so I have the afternoon to dust, he gets it done.
Besides, working on the car is a job for the family. How is that not family time? If you didn't do it, she'd be gripin' you didn' t take care of her stuff or worry about her safety or transportation. This stuff has to get done. Inconvenient, but true.
BTW, I'm kinda high maintenance myself. :D
08-29-2001, 11:21 AM
What is wrong with 2 people getting together just for sex?
Not a damn thing, if you ask me. However, the last woman I ran into that would actually do this without thinking of me as 'desperate', or 'player', or 'scum' was twenty years my senior. All the younger women would just look at me like I'd crawled out of the carpet fibers or something.
I mean, c'mon! In college, a sex-only relationship can be a great thing to have. You don't have to worry about flowers on Valentine's day, no anniversary to remember.... bliss when you're juggling twenty books for five classes. Save all that serious relationship stuff for when you have the time (and unoccupied brainpower) for it.
And besides, there's nothing like receiving the following phone call around 10 PM on a weeknight.
"Bug? You there?"
"Yep. What's up?"
"My libido. Close your books and come get some."
08-29-2001, 11:32 AM
I hate to say it, but that type of phone call interests me not at all. :D ;)
Spinning Hat
08-29-2001, 03:55 PM
Those phone calls were a rarity, but they were always fun. ;) Besides, the more experience you've got, the better the overall performance becomes....
08-29-2001, 07:27 PM
Oh, that is so true, SH. :D
08-29-2001, 07:39 PM
Guess I wouldn't know. :D
08-30-2001, 04:17 AM
Me neither... :(
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-04-2001, 06:24 PM
I guess I had better chime in here...
My DSL is down, so I am writing this from school. :(
I'm still getting together with the girl that started this thread. She's pretty cool, once I got to know her a bit. She hasn't freaked out on me, or done anything psycho (like some other girls that I have known). At first I didn't want to offend her with some of my more "colorful" aspects to my personality (jokes, sayings...if you've heard me on RW, you know what I mean. :) ) Then she told me that I was being too reserved, and THIS is where all the tension was coming from! I haven't said any comments to her about vodka enemas, the waffle game, or anything like that, but I realized what she was saying. Hehe.
Here's a tidbit: We went to a local festival/fair type thing (Bumbershoot), and spent Saturday there. While watching a musical performer, she touched me knee (I was wearing shorts, not pants). She didn't just touch it though, she did something else, and it REALLY made me stand up! I would almost have to say that it was better than sex, for the second or two that it lasted! The first time she did it, I was like HOLY #@$%!!!!!!!, and she started laughing; then she did it again, with the same reaction.
I'm not sure exactly how she did it, but if I could do it to myself I would! :D
Anyways, I know that sex-only relationships are fun. But for me, that fun only lasts for a little while, maybe three weeks at the most.
Oh and I found out something that I think confuses the hell out of men: women give a certain kind of advice on what they would like in a relationship, and men give another. When you ask a woman for advice on what kind of things to do on a date, you get VERY different ideas, than what a guy would say. (This is advice that I got from a woman, versus what I got from a man.) A guy has to NOT open up his entire heart to a woman that he meets (which is exactly what I was told to do, but rejected it because of my own experience.) You have to keep your cards in your hand, and go with your best pokerface, at first. This strategy works for women that want longterm relationships.
The ones that want sex now, and jump right in with both feet, are (more fun!), but in my experience have self esteem issues. <-- Not for me.
Oh well, these are little things that I have put together. Notes about observations if you will. They seem to work for me. :)
And I think Mustang will want a description (as will the guys):
She is 5'9" (or so)
about 135-140 (I think)
athletic build (she's tall)
blond hair
green eyes that seem to light up when the light hits them just right (I think these are her most attractive physical features)
a nice rack
she carries herself with confidence (I think this is what pulled me to her in the first place)
We started off with similar backgrounds (both had poor families to start), but she grew up on Bainbridge Island (rich people live there), and I grew up mostly in Renton (upper, middle class). BUT! She is not snobby which is awesome. We have similar personalities, but I'm more outgoing, and she is more she is a girl, so she likes girly things. We have many of the same friends, my roommate knew her in highschool, and one of her good friends is one of my friends. In fact that good friend of hers is a guy, and he's cool, but he wanted my to tell her some stories about myself that were funny, but somewhat crude. I did tell the hernia-doctor incident to her...
I spent most of this last weekend with her, just hanging out.
That's pretty much enough I think. :)
09-04-2001, 11:28 PM
Im sooo happy for you Asha sounds like you guys are hitting it off great.
Yeah love it when just a little touch moves you in a huge way. Im sooo glad I feel that way and hope it never goes away :D .
Thanks for the description :)
Again Im HAPPY for you, now dont screw it up :p .
09-05-2001, 04:55 AM
Anyone calculating the odds? :D J/K Asha, good luck to you. :)
Male and female advice on relationships is generally very different. Men are more blunt than women (pardon the pun) but women (so I'm told) are supposed to be more in touch with their feelings. An unfortunate thing in some ways. Often leads to misunderstandings faster than anything else.
09-05-2001, 05:33 AM
Hehhehheh... she did the knee thing... mwa.... It's soooo funny. It was like the latest rage at my school last year... At any rate, that's awesome for you, Asha... I'm kinda worried about you now, tho... What's this about vodka enemas and waffle games? You've got me confused... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Spinning Hat
09-05-2001, 09:09 AM
You DO NOT I repeat DO NOT want to know what the waffle game is. It was something someone had mentioned (Probably Asha) and everyone was curious, now we know and wish we didn't. I don't know what the Vodka Enema is, but I'm sure it's just as gross as the Waffle Game.
BUT, If you absolutely must know, email me at:
09-05-2001, 01:35 PM
:shudder: :twitch:
*Bug contemplates telling what the waffle game is*
"No! It's too horrible! It's too gruesome! Hell, it makes sailors run screaming in terror!"
Yes, this sounds melodramatic. It isn't. Don't ask. For you own mental health. Please!
09-05-2001, 01:50 PM
It's ok... I found out exactly what it is today... and I must admit, I don't think it's very funny... :( It's actually really gross. The worst I have ever seen girls get is to put the girl who falls asleep first's bra in the freezer... after it's soaking wet.
09-05-2001, 02:30 PM
Heh, the grossness was what bothered me about the waffle game......but I am still in the dark about the Vodka Enema. After the waffle thing I don't think I care to ask. And males may be more gross than females, but females are not perfect either. Guess I should be grateful I am immune to the ol' frozen underwire trick you mentioned, Laur.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-05-2001, 02:34 PM
Yeah, but the shock value of the waffle game is what makes it funny in a way. Very gross, but funny to see people's reactions to it. :b
(Yeah, it was me that brought that up a LONG time ago.)
So, Rogue... What are the odds?
09-05-2001, 06:06 PM
Hrmm... knowing how many relationships you've gone through, how much advice you're getting, and how compatible you *seem* to be, I think you've got a 74.6% chance of making it work... give or take a few percent... :P
09-05-2001, 06:17 PM
Well you cant say something about the waffle game and then not tell us. What a tease you are :D .
Spin email me it.
09-05-2001, 06:51 PM
As to the odds, they are improving. I calculate 76.4489 percent chance that you will eventually find SOMEONE to be with on a permanent basis, since that is what you seem to want and you will arrive at your self imposed minimum marriageable age before too long. As to whether this particular young lady is the one, naturally I have no clue whatever. ;) :D Make any sense?
Stang, you've been warned. Don't blame me for the results.
09-05-2001, 10:09 PM
Laurelin told me, THAT IS NASTY!!! Someone has a gross mind to think of that.
09-06-2001, 05:31 AM
Well, that's men for you. :D
09-06-2001, 06:27 AM
harrumph. Men.
09-06-2001, 02:05 PM
Humans. :rolleyes:
09-06-2001, 02:32 PM
I'm not human. I'm female. :D
Spinning Hat
09-06-2001, 05:56 PM
That's right Rogue, Anything that can bleed for a week and live IS NOT human.
09-06-2001, 07:34 PM
You will note I did not say that men were human either. All the ones I know are either Martians or Neandertals. ;) :D
Spinning Hat
09-07-2001, 07:53 AM
Does that make me a Martian?
09-07-2001, 09:10 AM
Yes. At least I think so. :D Someone else might say different. ;)
09-07-2001, 09:41 AM
*cough cough...Sex Fiend...cough cough...Neanderthal...cough cough*
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-07-2001, 10:24 AM
You know, I first heard about the waffle game from a friend in the US Navy. Coincidence? I think not...
09-07-2001, 11:00 AM
Asha, I just now noticed that one of your descriptors for this human female you are seeing was 'a nice rack'. I'm having difficulty in comprehending how antlers are supposed to increase her sex appeal.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-07-2001, 02:02 PM
Well, that phrase is an expression denoting the appeal of a female human's breasts.
I would have to say that, even though I'm not a breast man, they look nice. :D
09-07-2001, 06:43 PM
I always thought it was a shame I had no single good feature.....sigh. :/
09-08-2001, 04:39 AM
Hey hey hey.... I find your warm, understanding, joking demeanor *very* appealing. Who cares if it attracts... them... harrumph.
09-08-2001, 07:26 AM
I don't. I was just saying that I'm not standout on anything, that's all. Unless you count the fact that I am exceptionally short.
Besides, I decided long ago that my ordinary appearance was an asset, right after I discovered that it kept me from being chased by jerks I didn't want to date anyhow. And I never said I was ugly, either, I just don't have the Goddess package. :D
But my biggest assets were always my brain, my practicality and my sense of humor. (in no particular order.)
And BTW, I am not intimating that anyone who comments on the physical appearance of another person ( favorably or otherwise.)is a jerk. God gave you eyes so you can look and enjoy what He created, yes? ;) :D :lol
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-10-2001, 04:51 PM
I've always found your humor to be appealing, Rogue. And you have pretty eyes, from what I remember. ;)
I just don't comment much on another man's partner. I stay out of trouble that way. :D
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-10-2001, 04:57 PM
Well, she came over to my place this weekend. We cooked dinner together, and watched a movie. We shared a bottle of wine, and gave each other back rubs. I especially enjoyed the 45 minutes or so that she spent on me! (BJ: is that quote worthy? What IS quote worthy?)
The only problem is that she lives on Bainbridge Is. So I had to get her back to the ferry terminal in time for her to get home to her parents' house. She made the last ferry of the night on time, but I sort of forgot that the bus schedules are not as good as they used to be. I ended up walking about 4 or 5 miles from downtown Seattle, when all the weird people come out. There was one hairy moment when I was approached by four guys...luckily I was thinking of which one to literally kill first and I think that showed. That was the only problem the whole night. :D
Spinning Hat
09-10-2001, 09:16 PM
:wstupid3: Umm... I'm fat. I think my gut is the most standout feature I've got..... :D
09-11-2001, 03:04 AM
I'm skinny.... that's my most standout-ish thingie, unless you want to count being tall.
09-11-2001, 06:35 AM
I'm on the hefty side nowadays also. :( But am trying to work on that. I am also five feet tall. :eek:
Sounds like a fun evening Asha. And your no comment policy is likely wise in general. BTW, thank you. :)
I'm so loopy this morning. Must be the cough syrup. Anyone have pics of themselves to post?
Spinning Hat
09-11-2001, 03:07 PM
The only pic I have of me is at the XMEN website in the LAN pics secton. I hope I'll have a better picture after this year's LAN.
hmmm, pics, oh, I have KitZune pics
Not sure KitZ wants pics posted. Removed for now.
09-28-2001, 02:12 PM
Not that anyone cares but here is a bad picture of me.
My hair is not as short anymore (no longer in ROTC), but i think it is basicly plain old me :)
<img src="">
09-28-2001, 04:37 PM
Hey Asha its been a while since we had an update. How are things goin? :) .
09-29-2001, 09:18 AM
Heh. Must be good since there are no updates. :D
And here is my attempt at a pic. Little fuzzy, sorry about that.
09-29-2001, 09:41 AM
those red X's are always so cute :D
09-29-2001, 10:41 AM
*sigh* Sorry bout that. I'll get that taken care of when my resident geek gets home.
09-29-2001, 05:11 PM
Well, not to upstage Asha's success (goooo, Asha!), but I may have something forming up for myself here. There I was, out shopping, going through the aisle (and with my hands on a jar of peanut butter), when who do I run into but an old flame I haven't seen for years.
Let's just say all our plans for the day got quickly rearranged. :D
Things might work out, might not... but I'm being the optimistic type here. :D
09-29-2001, 06:11 PM
Keep us updated :) .
09-29-2001, 07:56 PM
Let's try this again...
09-30-2001, 07:02 AM
Rogue... you remind me of a friend in University :D
09-30-2001, 11:48 AM
Uhoh. Is that a good thing? :o
Gooooo, Bug! :D
XMEN Ashaman DTM
10-01-2001, 10:46 AM
Good job AB!!
Things are going good. :D
We haven't really had the opportunity to be as intimate as we were the night a few posts above, because of our schedules,'s ALL good! :)
With school starting today, I think I'll have a somewhat heavier than normal load of classes. :(
But I've told her that I will guarantee time for her, if she can do the same for me. We'll just have to see how it works out. Ask me in a week or two...then I'll know for sure how well things will work. ;)
10-01-2001, 11:49 AM
Same boat, different crew. I'll know in a few weeks.
I hope yes, 'cause I'd forgotten how well she matches my personality.
10-03-2001, 09:28 AM
Well, no luck for me, at least in the romance section. But I've gotten a good friend back through this. :D
10-03-2001, 03:34 PM
You know, AB... I'm really tired of having good friends too. Everyone I meet wants to be my friend, but no one is making *any* advances. :( I want sex, dammit.
10-03-2001, 06:29 PM
/me looks back at Laurelin's post
/me finds a ten foot pole and looks back at the post again
/me measures ten foot pole by eye and thinks a minute
No way in Hell.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
10-05-2001, 05:34 PM
I had lunch today with you know who...
It was nice to get together with her. Now I'll have to wait a week to do anything with her again. :(
For those interested in details:
-We met at the Seattle Center, since she works near there.
-I enjoyed a quick nap by the fountain, while waiting for her, since I got there early.
-We met up and decided to go to the EMP for lunch. It was good food. Expensive, but pretty good.
-Then we wandered around for a bit.
-We left the EMP. (since she was on her lunch break...there is a good part to this. Hehe.)
-We walked to the fountain and watched the show (they play music and the fountain reacts to it. It's neat.)
-She realized that she had been on a 2 hour lunch break, and had to get back to work. Hehe.
Poor girl. She says that she won't get fired, but good lord! If I did that, I would probably lose my job.
Next Friday we're going out with my best friend and his girlfriend (both military...him a marine officer, her a navy officer.) It should be nice. :D
I guess that's it. Without going into too much detail. ;)
We had a good time.
10-05-2001, 06:26 PM
Everything in Seattle is expensive :D .
Still cant get use to how odd that EMP looks :eek: .
You must be makin a good imperession if you make her late for work :D . Too bad you couldnt see her more though sounds like you guys make a good match.
10-06-2001, 02:25 PM
Stang's right, a two hour lunch break means she likes you a lot and your presence makes her comfortable enough to lose track of time. WooHoo, we got us a heartbeat!
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