View Full Version : Koreans and Diablo2
07-10-2001, 08:17 PM
No, I am not a racist pig. I hate ALL OF YOU equally... Well, maybe I hate the Koreans a little more.... like with a pashion.
Why do I have such a loathing for the little bastards? Well, thats simple!
Blizzard Entertainment's has created TWO realms for them! Thats TWO separate servers! Why did blizzard do that? Because Koreans are the main thing that make people kill themselves over D2.
The Koreans use the US-East and West servers more than they do their own! This is one of the biggest pissoffs in history!
Koreans jump into your game and flood your screen with "PK PK PK PK PK PK" as they track you down while you are trying to complete that final quest..
I want to bomb Korea now..
(I have met some pretty nice Koreans in my lifetime. But they are only nice when you are talking to them in person. I think they fear Canadians with knives)
If you find this offending in any way, dont post a reply.
Tell me about it, they ruined the whole game, espicially Diablo1, you can't even play an legit game no more
07-11-2001, 08:19 PM
Lets kill them all! Now they cant even make decent Haundai anymore!
07-11-2001, 08:49 PM
I'm not offended, but a game isnt' reason to bomb the koreans... besides, there's plenty of games without them in... and, I hate to say it, but more people in North America own the game than in Korea *AND* their peak times are different from ours. Their time is 14 hours ahead of us... so when it's 4PM over there, it's 2AM over here... Our peak time of 4PM is 6AM over there... So please, it isn't the Koreans who are the lag trouble... I *DO* agree that their text-support is annoying. I *DO* agree that some of them come into games and spam your screen. *HOWEVER*, I have seen an equal, if not overwhelmingly more, amount of English speaking North Americans come into games and do the exact same thing... That's why Blizzard invented the squelch button. It comes in handy.
07-11-2001, 09:48 PM
i quite diablo 2 becuse of all teh huk huk ^..^ and give free item armor armor and incessint pkpkpkpkpk badgering and asking for what i was using i totally agree with you raven about how anoying they are but to bomb them? how sanitary use your imagination
07-12-2001, 10:25 AM
I'm not sure what crono_magnum just said ,but I'm sure there's some logic behind it (I hope)
The reason Koreans play on US servers is we 4r3 l33t h4><0r d00ds!
We have all the good items and gems!
That's why they come.
07-12-2001, 01:30 PM
ya there was some logic but i hid it *acts like he meant to*
Thats one thing I liked about Korean, they would buy my chipped gems for 5000 gold each
07-13-2001, 06:24 AM
Gullable too, aren't they grate?
Hey,since a lot of us play D2 maybe THZ should expand to D2!
And then we can hit monsters with gnarled stick smilies!:twak:
Mythril Gear
07-13-2001, 04:28 PM
gnarled stick smilies????
*face contorts in weird ways*
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
07-13-2001, 06:35 PM
I dont play Diablo2 at all now that the expansion is out.. The ex is a scam, and everyone fell for it.
Mythril Gear
07-13-2001, 09:11 PM
The x-pansion is a scam??? How so? Everyone I know says its so good! Whast the deal?
(gnarled stick smilies.....pfffffffffffff!!!!!:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol )
(AAAhhh, you suck BD.)
07-13-2001, 09:26 PM
argh i lost my accout today got caught up in T2 and forgot to go on there goes a level 54 pally and a levle 30 sorc and 47 necro life goes on
Join the club, lost my level 30 Paladin with an full milabrege set
and my level 26 Amazon
07-16-2001, 06:20 AM
I play often enough to keep my account open... that's about it.
then whats the fun if you have an account but don't play?
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