View Full Version : Ravenheart2900

07-03-2001, 09:25 PM
Hello! I'm not sure how to start this off.. maybe it's because this is a very original way of recruiting members. I can see you people are very selective in your recruiting, it shows on your team's roster.

To simplify matters, I have registered as "Ravenheart2900"... That is my Tribes2 username and it will help you when you have to contact me later on.

I guess I will kick it off with my experience as a team player; I have been playing online games for about five-six years. To expand on that, I have been commanding/coordinating clans for at least four of those years. I have gone through so many games that I can only list a few these days... Some titles are Mechwarrior2, 3 and 4, the Quake series, Serious Sam, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Counter-Strike(a half-life mod), Black&White, Diablo, Diablo2, ARC and Total Annihilation. I have been in a clan for each of those games, and had a big commanding role in over half of them.

I work best in a team. That stands true for almost everything I do... That's in life and on the net playing games. I used to prey for a team-based game that relied on TEAMS.. I got my wish when Tribes came out. I play a lot but I'm still learning. I stay up all night playing this game, sometimes, for weeks, I get no sleep and just sit there playing. Why? Because I am the ultimate internet addict.

People think I'm fun to talk to. Why? I have no idea... maybe you will have to talk to me to find out why. I love to chat, for hours at a time. So... if you have a conversation with me, be prepared to have a good time.

I love clans... I just do. I think clans are one of the few things that actually keep games alive. They form the very base of every community and keep things going strong. When I bought Tribes2 and logged in, the first thing I did was begin to play. Then, after that, I joined a clan.

Why am I filling out this application? Because {=-D.A-=} (my current tribe) is not going anywhere. Yes, we are new, but the members never seem to show themselves. I want a bigger tribe. I'm sure there are bigger ones, but you guys got a few very good comments when I was asking around for good tribes to join. So, where the wind blows the seed.. Or was that "where the carrier takes the virus"?

In public games, where I just join to have fun.. I used to go to the Vehicle station and make myself a bike and then I take it out... WAY out! I would ignore objectives and just drive. I did it to work on my driving skills. I also did this with other craft like bombers and transports to practice. At the time I just wanted to get to know how to fly. All that practice has made me a very good pilot. So, I work a little better in a vehicle than I do leaping around on the ground.

You must be getting tired of reading my text, so, I will keep typing just to strain your eyes...

Just kidding. If you want to more, but I'm sure you don't, my e-mail address is: Agent052@hotmail.com

Just in case you have no memory at all, my Tribes2 username is Ravenheart2900.

I'm looking forward to my next victim.. err.. clan!

07-03-2001, 10:03 PM
YOUR IN!!! :D Just cuz I think your application is the LONGEST we have had, but very thorough :) .

You will recieve an email from our Recruiter THZKitzune. Make sure to look for us online, in mIRC, or on our server (THZ Eyrie). And keep active on the forums so we get to know you and so we know your still alive.

Yes he is very talkitive :D .

07-03-2001, 10:11 PM
Thanks for signing up. You seem like a talker already :D We have few from the east canada area in our group, you should fit in well, aye?

KitZune will get around here sometime to get you up to speed on everything you need to know.

Basically we are here for fun, Real Life and fun come first, competition is coming soon hopefully.

07-03-2001, 10:30 PM
welcome aboard, see ya on the battle field.

07-04-2001, 10:49 AM
I hope you're able to come to practice tonight... It's at 6:30pm PST... that's 9:30pm EST :) Love to see your skills!