View Full Version : Hey..
06-19-2001, 07:41 AM
Is anyone planning to watch the Fellowship of the Ring movie when it comes out this December? I'm going, but then I'm the obsessive type. :o:D
06-19-2001, 08:17 AM
Definately, I am stoke for the whole series of movies.
06-19-2001, 11:01 AM
I'll be watching that movie ASAP... or maybe at a matinee a couple days after it comes out.. I HATE seeing movies in big crowds... I hate it when people are cheering through the whole movie... and you can just tell it'll be like every time Gandalf comes on screen people will be cheering so loud you won't hear any of it.
But yeah... I'll be seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy without fail! You can count on it.
06-19-2001, 12:33 PM
Feloship of the ring ?? Is that the first in the Lord of the Ring Serese ?? If so Im all for seeing it.!!
06-19-2001, 12:34 PM
Ok forget my first post i just read Kitz One. That is going to be a great movie.
06-19-2001, 01:24 PM
Yah, that's the first one, Daxipoo. Premiere is scheduled for December 19, 2001. Guess they are trying to hit the Christmas crowds. Not a bad plan, if so. You can obtain info etc. at any number of websites. The official site (which has trailers) is:
Looks good to me so far, from the trailers anyway.
Now, does anyone think us online buddies who are interested in seeing this oughtta plan on going in a group? (at least those of us who live nearby each other?)
06-19-2001, 02:15 PM
I am already planing on Going with
THZStuwey (not shure if hes DTM)
if anyone wants to come with us. Let me know. We live in Austin TX and will be watching it in Austin.
06-19-2001, 02:56 PM
Well, Kit, I haven't had the same experiences as you... I went to see Episode 1 opening night, and the only cheering that went on throughout the whole movie was at the opening theme, which everyone knows off by heart anyway...
As for LOTR:TFOTR... Well, I'm prolly going to go see it at Staff previews late Friday night/Saturday morning... I'm going to go with my sis, who works at famous 8! Hopefully, that is. We'll see where I end up next year.
(By that, I mean next school year.... god.... the system has messed with my mind.)
06-19-2001, 04:44 PM
Oh great it opens on my Birthday!!!
Ive never read any of the books but BJ is a fan and when he showed me trailer it looked good and should be interesting.
Remember BJ its my day :D .
06-19-2001, 06:01 PM
Aw Come on Stang give BJ a few Hours of Entertainment at the Movies And Emagin the thanx you'll get Later that night :) :D
06-19-2001, 06:15 PM
True. ;)
Should we tell Mustang to read 'em first, or shall we let it be a surprise?
06-19-2001, 06:24 PM
Ahhh man read? How do you do that again? :D .
06-20-2001, 04:03 AM
Normally, Mustang, I'd be right with you. However, this series is the only one I've read 6 or 7 times over... There's so much detail, you can't help but feel PART of the world.
06-20-2001, 10:39 AM
I SUCK at reading, but I've read everything Tolkien Published, as far as I know anyhow... he's an amazing writer, you feel a part of everything that's going on... Start with the Hobbit, not only will it give you background information but it's made for lil' kids, so it's easy to read ;)
06-20-2001, 10:46 AM
Im so in for the movie!!!!!!! Dont care where I see it, I work at Cineplex Odeon (as well as Rogers Video) so you can tell im a die hard movie freak. Staff preview or not ill be right in there! A movie like this looks too good to miss.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
06-20-2001, 11:59 PM
So, guys are you up for seeing it at the new HUGE cinema up north a ways? (I think it's by Northgate, I don't know. I know it's not far from me though.)
06-21-2001, 06:25 AM
Since you don't have a location specified, I don't know WHO you're addressing... So I will say yes. I want to see it more than once anyway, just to take in the whole thing.
06-21-2001, 07:07 AM
Ummmph. Me too. (or me three if you include my evil twin. :devil: )
There are rumors about the DVD release having a ton of extra footage, cut scenes, cast interviews and history and bios on Tolkien even. This is all speculative of course, but I'm still buying the DVDs. :D Have to have something good to run thru the big TV w/surround ya know. ;)
06-21-2001, 04:30 PM
Laurelin he lives in Seattle near us:D .
Willing to go that far to see a movie huh , cool!!!
06-21-2001, 05:17 PM
06-22-2001, 10:33 AM
Asha lives in Seattle? I didn't know that, I thought he was a Texen like the rest of 'em.
It's kind of wierd how we're all bunched up.
Seattle (it's the Northwest which includes Portland)
East Canada
anybody from anywhere else?
06-22-2001, 10:36 AM
I will camp out if i have to. I will see that movie opening night!
06-22-2001, 10:48 AM
So is anyone planning to wear a costume or is everyone wearing normal clothes like I will be?
XMEN Ashaman DTM
06-22-2001, 10:50 AM
I'm going to wear normal clothes.
06-22-2001, 11:15 AM
Normal clothes
06-22-2001, 11:30 AM
Might wear a costume... depends on what I can cook up. I think I'll go as Galadriel.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
06-23-2001, 12:43 AM
YOU THOUGHT I WAS A TEXAN???!!!!???!?!??!?!?!??!!!!
I take offense to that... >:
06-23-2001, 07:49 AM
Why take offense to such a high compliment? ;)
06-23-2001, 08:05 AM
Because your state houses psychotic-depressive housewives of NASA computer engineers that kill all of their children at once because they think they're a "bad mother", and they think that the children "didn't grow normally" because of it... Sorry, just finished reading the paper this morning... A very scary case.
Just for the record, I don't treat all Texans in a general way... I'm just a bit zippy from my mug of SUPA-KOPHY (super-coffee, for the phonetically challenged)... I lub you strange desert dwellers :)
06-23-2001, 09:29 AM
Hey, I used to live in the NASA area, and I think that case is pretty depressing. The last I saw yesterday, the hubby was coming out shellshocked and saying, "Yes, she killed my kids, but that wasn't the REAL her. I'll still support her, etc. " line. Well, gee, if he'd supported her a bit more before the fact, he might still have his kids, too.
Rant off. :D
Besides, Texas isn't entirely dry plains, like here in D/FW. We have five climactic zones here. Visit the Hill Country or the Piney woods sometime.
06-23-2001, 12:50 PM
Yeah who wants to be associated with being a Texan :D , j/k.
You also have that Bush guy that likes to send people to the electric chair alot :) I cant believe that guy says he stands behind his wife after killin his kids, kinda makes ya think that he wanted them gone too, which would make it even sicker!!!
We got some weirdos around here in Washington too, but which state doesnt :D .
06-23-2001, 03:31 PM
Isn't Washington the place we send people we don't want loose in the rest of the lower forty-eight? Or do you live in Washington state instead of D.C.?
And all the states have weirdos. I collect weirdos. :D
06-24-2001, 09:45 AM
Seattle's in Washington State... Last I remember, at any rate. As for wierdos... check my circle of friends. ;)
06-24-2001, 10:33 AM
/me waves!
Texas, is'nt that where a woman downed all of her children in a bathub, why would you be proud.
You can count me out for the movie, I'm not driving all the way to seattle to see a movie
06-24-2001, 06:22 PM
:rolleyes: That lady drowned her kids during a psychotic episode, a state having nothing to do with the state of Texas ;)
And it's getting released everywhere, Maz. Including Middle Earth. :D
I know, it was just my wait of counting me out and giving my reason why, and I have nothing agaisnt Texas since I've never been
06-24-2001, 08:01 PM
yah, I know. 'Sokay. Course if you'd ever BEEN here, you'd never believe being psychotic wasn't normal here. All it takes is exposure to Dallas drivers. Those guys are crazy.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
06-24-2001, 09:19 PM
I can believe it.
I just didn't like how everything was relatively flat, and ten shades of brown. I was born in the desert and lived in one for a while, so I REALLY appreciate the rain and green colors. :)
Besides, there is always the infallible logic of "Texas sucks". :)
BTW, Maz, where do you live?
06-25-2001, 03:52 AM
Doesn't he live in Gaspe/New-Brunswick? correct me if I'm wrong, Maz...I've forgetten where exactly in East-Canada you live.
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