View Full Version : The few, the proud, the useless.
Mythril Gear
06-10-2001, 08:47 PM
I was in the prac today on the XMEN trout pond. What I saw there was some THZ cappin' action. Unfortunately, I wasn't part of that action. There's just something missing in Flag D, and that's the Defence part. I just can't cut it. I couldn't hit the side of a scarabrae base with my aim, and I just can't get the hang of the vehicles in T2. I tried to defend the flag as best I could, with a mortar. I get yelled at for "mortar spamming the flag". I tried to cap the flag. Yay for me, then I hear "against an undefended base.... bravo". That's probably the only way I can cap. I see you guys running in with four ppl defending and still cap the darn thing. The fact is that I won't get any better, no matter how hard I try. I'm just not cut out for these games. It seems everything I was good at is shifter-only, and has been stripped from my gameplay style in T2. What does that leave me with? Nothing. I just can't cut it, I won't ever be THZ material.
I guess I'll just sit back and wait till shifter comes to Tribes 2. Then maybe I'll have just a little skill left in my game.
Untill that time....
06-11-2001, 02:48 AM
when I crossed over from T1 to T2 I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag. It takes time to find your "niche" so to speak. Keep in mind your not locked into a position in THZ. Now that we know you don't like defense why don't you do offence next time?
I have found out that going into "Duel" servers helps ALOT.
Try to ignore the comments of some team members as a few tend to get overzealous and or mouthy. I don't know if they think that though. Everyone does it but some do more than others. I try not to do it but it slips out everynow and then. Like getting kibbled by our own mortar turret a couple times kinda irritated me. Could have handeled it better but oh well.
Anyway were not competing right now so there's no rush. Stick around and have some fun. At least till shifter comes out. :)
06-11-2001, 06:31 AM
*shudder* Shifter.
Well you're pretty presumptuous there MG... "I'm not THZ material" PAH! Let *US* be the judge of that, alright? Your application is merely 2 weeks old... so have patience in THAT regard. In another manner your skills in Tribes 2 are NOT related to those in Tribes 1... Practice DOES make perfect... I don't care if you're an old guy in a nursing home who has to change his depends between each match, you can STILL be good at tribes wether or not you were before. Don't give up because of a lousy practice... I'll have to say last night's practice was wholly unorganized (Batman!) and we WILL be doing better in the future... with new members it is hard to find out what they are good at, so we try to place you in a position and see how you do. Since you did not like the whole Heavy-Defense you were doing, you may want to try some other things and tell us what you like.
Mobius was right Duel servers are the BEST for learning offensive skills... We used to dedicate one of our two practice nights to practicing on a duel server... now that the "Duel mod" is out for Tribes 2... I suggest we look into doing this again... at least every once and a while.
Because it was always fun Kicking Jester's arse!
Now if you really want to withdraw your application, talk to me. But it's a waste if you ask me... We're not asking you to join because you're the best... We want you to join to be a friend, and a comrade, and we will grow together.... because none of us, with the possible exception of Mobius, is the best.
As Mob said... "CHEER UP"
06-11-2001, 05:33 PM
Dont give up so soon. This is your first practice with us if im right and it takes awhile to get the hang of how all of us work and how we work together. Coming to one practice I dont think you can decide if you are meant to be with us or not.
As Mobius said like any other game it takes lots of practice to get use to all the new "toys". And also think that the duel maps are very useful, I think I got a little better when I started going more and helped when you went out and played on the servers.
Hey I still cant fly the vehicles in T2 so your not alone :). I hope you dont feel we where yelling at you for grabbin our flag or spamming we where just trying to help you understand what we where doing OvD. If you didnt like the D I wish you would have spoken up. I think you where doin a good job on D last night. Cant say anything about the spamming cuz I didnt see any of it. I do admit in T1 I did get carried away sometimes with mouthy comments but in T2 Im going to try to keep it on the "down low", we all have slip ups :D .
So dont give up so easily we dont want you just cuz of your skills, your a fun person to hang out with in IRC and on the forums. Just think about it first before making an ubrupt decision after one practice.
Now if we could only get onto Mobius' T2 and take out all CHAINGUNS!!! :p
06-11-2001, 05:43 PM
Either that, or make him tell us how he can shoot so well with 'em... I wish I could handle a Chaingun like that!
06-11-2001, 06:22 PM
I was gettin the hang of that chaingun at the end of T1 .
Mythril Gear
06-11-2001, 08:12 PM
Bah. The point is, that's as good as I get. I won't get any better. I think it might be my lefthandedness, and the fact that i use a mouse in the right hand. The only game i was ever *reasonably* good at was Red Alert, and I haven't played that in years.
Either put up with the mortar spamming or kick me, cause there's nothing else I can do with reasonable effect on the game.
PS: I found a shifter server! There are two of them! I'm so happy, they have the ole' interceptor pack, which is the morph pack in T2S. When used, it transforms you into a shrike and back again, as much as you want! They put in the ole' engineer repair-gun, freeing your pack slot for more useful equipment. The chameleon has packless cloaking (limited by uses and time) and some mediums can cloak. They also turned down the arming time on the mortar... Uwee hee hee! I'm so happy!
06-11-2001, 08:51 PM
I wish you wouldn't be so negative... All you need to do is try what we're going to be offering you. Obviously, you didn't enjoy heavy- mortaring the flag last prac... so, either you change sides (Try O), or you try flag chasing, turret placing, Defensive sniping.... there are lots of things that you can do...
I'm disappointed with your apathy in this situation, Jeff... Not with you at all, just your lack of desire to try to make this work... I can't judge you, 'cause God only knows how guilty I am of giving up too easily, but I can assure you... YOU WILL GET BETTER! Just look at Red Sirus, if you want... He couldn't have started out that good at Tribes, but that fact that he had T2 for how many months ahead of us... :) He's much better... but that'll even out someday, I suppose. So, what I'm trying to say is: If you leave us for Shifter, I will come over to your house and rip your computer from your wall. You're not giving anything a fair chance, and complaining about fickle details instead. Buck up, dude. Be flexible. I didn't start on O... I wonder if Stang remembers my first practice... (I can't cap, I can't defend the flag, I can't chase, I can't snipe... god, I can't duel.... that was my whole claim to fame in Tribes... but, with practice and a little bit of positive and receptive attitude, I learned what to do... now I don't get in people's way, for the most part :)) At any rate, sorry for the long nag. Just don't be a llama!
PS - Delayed improvement is better than no improvement at all.
PPS - Everything takes time. If the NBA judged you by how good you were at age 13, not even half the players would still be in the league.
06-12-2001, 05:04 PM
Speaking striktly from T1 experiances. I am not the best in ANY possition i play. BUT because i never give up. i have on occation did something worth being proud of, Been apart of an amazing play (Jester that MILE long mortoring of the capper and my retrivel will go down in history) etc... The point is you have to hold on and not let go. You have an advantage over me you get to play T2. So do me a favor and play T2 for me ok. :)
sniffle... I wanna play :(
06-12-2001, 06:14 PM
Me too Dax :(
06-13-2001, 03:01 PM
My bad.
This is mostly my fault.
In the game i tried to give some advice but i guess it was taken badly. The "stop mortar spamming the flag" was said simply because i had a satchel pack there and when the mortar hit my pack blew up. I am sorry for sounding harsh.
06-13-2001, 04:51 PM
I think we have lost him to shifter.
Mythril Gear
06-14-2001, 02:01 PM
Oh, no. Not untill shifter makes a final release. It's still in beta right now. (and boy is it ever bug ridden!!!!)
06-15-2001, 07:21 AM
So in other words... we ARE going to lose you to shifter?
06-15-2001, 10:39 AM
Hey i tried Shifter.
Right now it is not much and i will still play base for all time but shifter did have the really cool smoking jets that T2 used to have in the beginning.
I do not want to lose MG to Shifter though because if he goes there we will probably never see him again
Mythril Gear
06-15-2001, 05:35 PM
Mwaa haaa haaa!!!!
When I played shifter it was like a blast from the past. Every day when I used to get home from school, Steffa would call me up and we'd play tribes together. I was the *best* at deploying the turets in the most buggerin' places around the base. I would place them, then guard the flag as a Juggernaut. (like super-heavy. it came with an auto-shield pack and lots a ammo) Steffa would run around repairing our guys and sniping the crap outa the enemy guys. It was the best of times. But then Steffa got mono, and I stopped playing Tribes and haven't played it to this day. (Actually i started it up today just to see if the Homelan servers were still online...) I learned Tribes on shifter. I stuck with it during all the server crashes, code revisions, lack of admins, stacked teams, and anything short of a tactical nuke that was thrown my way.
I got Tribes 2 because I saw how how much fun YOU guys were having. But playing base throws off all my tactics. I'm used to flying as a light (and for those of you who know, I mean FLYING!), and plodding to the flag in heavy. I wished for those days when lights could turn into scouts at will, and heavys were nearly unstoppable (and unmoveable!). Shifter on T2 isn't the same as Tribes 1, but there are some resemblances. Let's just face it. There are those of you who like to play those old MAME/RAINE arcade games. It's nostalgia right? Well, that's what Shifter is to me. Tribes WAS shifter back then. There was nothing else, because HomeLAN ruled al other servers. (Come on, they're corporately funded, and own hundreds of servers on an OC3 line. You can't NOT like them! :) )
Just because I found Shifter doesn't mean I won't play with you, I'll just be really sad that none of you like/play the glory that is Shifter. You are a great bunch, and it's the practices that matter right? Just consider Shifter to be a separate game if you will. Don't worry, MG is here to stay. (heh......that is, untill FFX comes out.... then u won't see me for about a week.)
:hmm Jeff
06-16-2001, 01:26 AM
FFX is only gonna take you a week :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:
Mythril Gear
06-16-2001, 08:01 AM
Heeeyyyyy!!!!!! I like Final Fantasy! IT WILL BE GOOD!
Did u even see FFIX? It was in-cred-ible, and it was on PS1 to boot. It even worked well on my broken PSX! (Well, since I don't have PS2, I will get it for PC. Because Geforce 2 rules!)
06-16-2001, 09:51 AM
Loser... I'll be picking up a PS2, because it will cost the same ammount of money to upgrade this comp, and it's not even mine to keep.
Mythril Gear
06-16-2001, 09:03 PM
Hey! I spent +2000$ on my PC. It better be able to run FFX. Besides, I got an AGP GeForce 2 GTS at my side, what could go wrong?
06-17-2001, 11:03 AM COULD explode.
I lost faith in Final Fantasy a long time ago.
06-17-2001, 12:07 PM
Stupid chicken packing plant... they just laid off half of their workers, so they won't need me as summer help... Back to the drawing board. :(
07-05-2001, 10:01 AM
I love Shifter!
07-05-2001, 10:20 AM
You'd be surprised to hear this from a guy who's been playing (and quite successfully at that) Tribes since December of 1998, but my aim sucks.
I can't hit a target for the life of me with the disklauncher (or just about any other weapon, for that matter). Don't even ask me to snipe.
Yet I've played and played and played since '98, and I still manage to kick some ass.
The main reason for this is that once I found out I couldn't aim for crap, I figured that if I wanted to stay in this really cool game, I'd better figure out a way to supplement my bad aim. So I started doing some research, and found out that my aim didn't mean crap just so long as I had turrets and a sensor web to back me up.
My primary evil tactic in T1, when I was outdoors, was to get into a fight and lure the bad guy into our sensor web, whereupon our base turrets would tear him to bits. Or I'd control turrets.
Or I'd do ofensive/defensive fire support. The one thing I got good at was tossing mortars around. After a bit of practice (about a month), I got to the point where I could throw one into a heated battle with a better than 90 percent chance of killing the bad guy and not making a mark on my teammate.
My aim with the disk still sucks though. :)
Now that I'm in T2, I'm still getting used to the weapons. My wonderful mortar from T1 has been nerfed, and I'm still getting used to it. So, in the meantime, I'm working on other things. I drive tanks for Jester or RedSirus, fly bombers, do sensor recon with the Shrike, pick up cappers, do forward recon for my team, and that kind of thing. I don't hit a lot of combat (unless I'm doing fire-support, and then I get into it), but I do end up making a difference for my team.
There are literally so many roles in this game you can't hardly exhaust 'em all. Since you aren't sure what you're good at, try everything. Just mess around on pubs, try stuff out, see what fits. Then decide.
Oh yeah... the practicies with THZ will help. I'm serious here... once you get into an organized effort, you'll see your skills improve.
07-05-2001, 12:48 PM
My aim sucks. But there are weapons that need no aiming. The missile lancher is my weapon of choice.
Beep . . . Beep . . . beepbeepbeep . . .boom!
No more little flying scout. . .oh you want to toss flares, ok your gernade finger is going to get tired. . .oh you want to duel? here have a morter at point blank.
There is no need for aim.
Mythril Gear
07-05-2001, 04:37 PM
See. That's why i liked shifter. You actually got points for repairing. Actually, you could get MORE points repairing than fighting! (I learned a hard lesson in that by Steffa) Back in the good old shifter days, you could repair and fight too, as the armor (Engineer) that had the beloved repair-gun, could also carry the railgun, one of the most powerful weapons. In shifter, being a support character did not suck, it rocked.
07-09-2001, 08:32 PM
heh... I see. Would you like this in paper or plastic?
Mythril Gear
07-11-2001, 07:32 AM
What you say? (i dont get it.)
07-12-2001, 01:42 PM
the big thing is do points matter? its cool to see that your name is in the top of the list but this is a team game
Mythril Gear
07-12-2001, 09:16 PM
Heh, My name was never at the top. My score peaked at about 100 points. The cappers and fraggers got scores in excess of 500 points.
07-13-2001, 11:38 AM
I play shifter 80% of the time! What are you talkin about?
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