View Full Version : Lotr
08-06-2002, 06:05 PM
2 mounths ago I paid in full for the movie and today i picked up my DVD widescreen !! :)
08-06-2002, 07:49 PM
:rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband: :rockband:
is it widescreen? reallly? I think we purchased the full screen version..and will of course pick up the expanded set in nov
08-13-2002, 05:08 PM
I think we are just going to wait for the one coming out in Nov., cuz its the same thing just extra stuff on it right?
Dont really need 2 copies of the same movie.
08-13-2002, 05:41 PM
Yah, same movie, 30 or so minutes of extra footage, 3 extra discs o'stuff. We are waiting also. IMHO, double-releasing it like this is an evil marketing ploy.
/me agrees with Rogue, they're definately out to get your money:)
heck and mine too, I've caught myself trying to buy it a couple of times, so I'm just going to settle down with The Simpsons:2nd Season, instead, wheeee
08-15-2002, 06:25 PM
Simpsons will be able to fill that need to buy it :D.
08-15-2002, 06:42 PM
No, they don't. :vader: :box: :vader: :box: :camper: :twak: :camper: :box: :twak:
08-15-2002, 06:47 PM
08-15-2002, 06:47 PM
Yes they do :yup:
08-16-2002, 06:02 PM
Simpsons make me go :zzz
08-16-2002, 06:48 PM
Ok then watch South Park, they make you cry cuz you laugh so hard :lol
08-16-2002, 06:55 PM
Tried. I went :boring: over that too. Guess I'm too much of a Trekkie or something. :corn: Now where are my next two LOTR movies?
:redbounce SIMPSONS RULES :redbounce
08-17-2002, 10:14 AM
FINALY another person other than me that dosn't like the simsons. I no longer feel alone. All though I really am not a huge trek fan. I do follow it a bit casual sort of.
08-17-2002, 03:19 PM
Hey, that's fine. I'm also into Star Wars, and LOTR. (WAY into LOTR, if you ask these peeps. ) :gwave:
I just cannot stand the Simpsons and never could. :b:barf :vader:
08-17-2002, 03:47 PM
I have read a bit of the forums and have noticed your intrest in LOTR. I am a Star Wars fan as well. like I said I am glad I am not the only one in the world that dosen't like the simsons and south park.
Take care If there is any thing else you want to know just ask.
Hail & Kill
08-17-2002, 06:06 PM
Will do. :D Where in Iceland are you?
08-17-2002, 11:34 PM
Let it be know (I saw Nilk's sig) I applied to DTM
Just call me XMEN-Rooster[pDTM]!
08-18-2002, 01:12 AM
I live in Keflavik. Its about 40 minutes away form Reykjavik to the south west. Its a nice place to live quite and safe.
08-18-2002, 07:13 AM
Cool. Never heard of it, but I do roughly know where Reyjavik is, so can generally tell where you are. And lucky for you it's prolly cooler than D/FW is right now.
08-18-2002, 12:32 PM
Oh yeah much cooler. Its more like 56 or so. It dosen't normally get over 70 here. Its a nice climate for me because I hate hot weather.
08-18-2002, 01:41 PM
Hey how is our whale doing up there? :D
08-18-2002, 04:13 PM
:lol If you hate hot weather, then I'm glad for you that you're there and not here. It is HOT right now. I might like to move there myself. What are the winters like?
Whale, schmale. I want salmon.
08-19-2002, 03:15 AM
Iceland is a strange place. We don't get weather here we get samplings. In one day I have seen sun, snow, and rain. All tough the winters are mild tepature wise. The wind can really get to you. It dosen't get below about 10 degrees. What gets most people is the sun rises arround 1130 and sets about 200pm and in the summer it never sets.
Other than that its wounder full. I live in the land of beautiful women. Belive me. The people are great and everything is clean, the air and water. All the heating is done with geothremal. and so is about 90% of the electricty.
I like it here.
08-19-2002, 08:15 PM
Good. Sounds like a nice place. :D
08-20-2002, 01:19 AM
Oh its a very nice place. Even thought the weather can give you fits Iceland had some of the most beautiful scenery there is. The mountians and the water falls that are here are incredible. The winter night all be it long, can have the most beautiful display of the Nothern lights. Iceland is so far north that you some times look south to see them most of the time you look straight up and there their are. You can see them move and shimmer. It's really something to behold.
This is an open invitation to all anyone coming to Iceland for a vacation can let me know and we can get togeather and I can help show you where to go and what to see.
Take care.
08-20-2002, 11:14 PM
08-20-2002, 11:17 PM
I just lent my copy away to a friend tonight and i am worring about it ... is this normal to have an attachment like this over a DVD ?
08-21-2002, 08:34 AM
Only if it's LOTR, Daxipoo! :worship: :D :corn:
Thanks, Xeno, I may just do that. :gryph23: :gryph23:
08-21-2002, 11:07 AM
No problem, its the least that I can do.
Hail and Kill
08-21-2002, 11:36 AM
Ah just got LOTR back and its safe !! :) i feal better now.:rockband: :worship: :worship: :corn: :redbounce
08-21-2002, 04:39 PM
The weather sounds like Washingtons :D, we can see that many changes too.
I remember when I lived in Alaska and the nights that never got dark.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-21-2002, 05:01 PM
You know that those northern lights are actually bursts of radiation, xrays, some UV, and visible light.
It's weird how some of the most dangerous things in the universe are some of the most beautiful. (Women included. ;) )
08-21-2002, 06:22 PM
:vader: :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader:
Come a little closer and say that, Asha...............
08-22-2002, 12:10 AM
Yes I know what causes the nothern lights. I am not one of the Jay Walking people. I am well versed in the various things that a person should not one of the sheep.
As for your comment about the Ladies, Your a braver man than I am.
Spinning Hat
08-22-2002, 05:19 AM
But I have to agree with Asha. ;)
08-22-2002, 06:36 AM
There's a switch..........................:rolleyes:
08-22-2002, 09:02 AM
08-22-2002, 04:23 PM
Watch it boys :twak:
Spinning Hat
08-22-2002, 08:36 PM
Women are dangerous.. Have we forgotten the lessons of John Wayne Bobbit????
08-23-2002, 01:57 AM
I know I'm going to get crap for this but I just can't help my self.
Hay Hat, would you trust someone that bled for 7 days and was still alive.
Dangerous just might be an understatement
and they do it every 28 days I supose :P
08-23-2002, 08:23 AM
08-23-2002, 07:33 PM
What, you just found out about that, Gryph?
The rest of you, watch your backs.
08-24-2002, 01:40 AM
Oh boy here we go. I am married to a redhead. So now I have to worry about XRogue.
Who started this anyway.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-24-2002, 05:18 AM
Not me. :D
There is another saying:
Bravery is the same as ignorance or stupidity; it's the outcome that determines what it is called.
(I do stand by my comment about women though. :D)
08-24-2002, 08:58 AM
Dax started this thread. Let's blame him. :D
Xeno, you shoulda known better than to marry a redhead. One thing for sure, you will have an interesting life............
Asha, standing by remarks like that will ensure you are forever single. If that isn't what you want, keep it in mind before you make any more such remarks. I doubt you like retracting your statements after you've made them.
Spinning Hat
08-24-2002, 12:57 PM
The thing I have to say here is this: Women have the power to make a man's life heaven, or a living hell. There's no 2 ways about it. Now, this isn't a women bashing post by any means, beacause let's face it- I like women. A lot. But, that like/love desire of women comes with the temperment to understand that they can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. To me, it's a simple fact of life.
Thankfully, I have been blessed to have my wife be my best friend. We Celebrate our 2nd Anniversary in just over 2 weeks.
08-24-2002, 12:58 PM
My wife is certanily a strange one thats for sure. She says these things that a friend and I called Johanna Logic. Any way I will give you an example. WARNING READING FURTHER CAN CAUSE NOSE BLEEDS AND BRAIN HEMORAGES.
One day while on our way back home I noticed something and said to my wife. "Why is it that great big fat people and driving the smallest cars that money can buy." to which she responded with "Because it makes their face look smaller than the rest of their body." Thats my wife for you.
All things aside she is wounderfull except for her little bits of logic. We have been maried 7 years so I guess I am a gluton for punisment.
08-24-2002, 03:07 PM
:rofl: Men have a lot of power over their women's happiness too. Frankly, my observations over the years have led me to the conclusion that women take their relationships much more seriously than men do, and that this leads to much of the trouble.
And it's not just Johanna Logic you're talking about there, Xenocide. All women do that to a certain extent, greater or lesser. I'd have to say, tho, that your wife is about a 7 on a scale of 10, with 1 being the mild version, and 10 being the head twisting pea soup spewing leaps of logic.
All that being said, men and women should bash each other a lot less. And I'm glad to hear that someone besides me married their best friend. Makes me feel less alone.
08-25-2002, 01:32 AM
You know this is a realy deep reply to to be reading at 7:30 in the morning. I am not sure exactly how much more seriously that she or I take our marrige. But in 7 years of marrige we have been through alot.
I am glad that I don't make you feel alone. That and I am glad that your happy.
Take care.
Hail & Kill
08-25-2002, 05:36 PM
Yah, well, most of the time I am happy. The rest of it, well part of the time I dig myself into a hole, and the rest of it, other people back me into a corner.
08-25-2002, 07:09 PM
Great another thread about us women. Like you men are all that, your even worse than us sometimes or most of the time :p. And you guys are the ones that keep sticking around when a woman treats you horrible then go and do women bashing and really its your fault cuz your dumbass stayed when you should have stood up and walked out. So watch what you say :). If you stay its your own damn fault. So stop picking on us for your mistakes.
I have to agree with Rogue we do take our relationships more serious than you guys. Just a little thought and here and there goes along way :). And with the statement she made to Asha about sticking with his comments cuz with that kinda attitude you sure will stay single :D.
I too got lucky and married my bestfriend! Wouldnt want it any other way.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-25-2002, 09:08 PM
I'm wondering what's wrong with saying that women can be dangerous and beautiful at the same time?
08-26-2002, 02:17 AM
Nothing, although I think that someone got the wrong idea here. My wife is truly dangerous and beautiful, but I don't think I would ever tell her that. Women are a strange lot but I belive that I understand whats going on with them. For example I understand why they like shoes and why shoes are important.
It seems that Stang has gotten a wild hair and is venting I have to go back and figure out why. I am sorry if your offened in any way Stang please forgive us.
Hail and Kill
08-26-2002, 09:04 AM
simpsons where funny like TEn years ago. Now southpark, thats pretty humorous.:hammy: :hug :rofl: :wstupid:
08-26-2002, 10:43 AM
It was???? and it is??? Sorry I fail to see any humor in either of these shows. (I know, I know I am the only one in the world short of the taliban that feels that way.) Come to think of it I can't think of anything funny that I have seen recently.
08-26-2002, 11:27 AM
First off...
Why are shoes important....
and its not fair to blame Dax, Dax never had no woman and dax was talking about LOTR :P :P :P :P :P :P :nono
Spinning Hat
08-26-2002, 11:37 AM
it's because you can't spell Daxipad:P
08-26-2002, 12:43 PM
its SPEEL get it right ! :P
08-26-2002, 02:51 PM
Women love their shoes, this is the reason why. As we all know women are much more touchy about their weight than men, not nessarly a bad thing but the truth. In the ups and downs of ones weight your shoe size dosen't change. If a dress size goes or down the shoe stays the same. That is a big boost to ones personality. I understand this and no longer give my wife a hard time about the amount of shoes she has.
There is your reason why. I hope this helps. Please don't flame me for this. And ladies don't be mad that a man has finaly figured out the shoe thing.
Stay tuned, more to come from your friendly neighborhood Xenocide
Hail and Kill
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-26-2002, 03:19 PM
I'm totally confused now.
08-26-2002, 03:53 PM
08-26-2002, 08:17 PM
:lol yeah ok so you figured out ONE thing :p. Lets see if you can figure out the more complex ones :silly: .
Im just sick of men bashing on us women when you guys are just as bad or not worse :D. Thats all.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-26-2002, 08:26 PM
I didn't think I was bashing...
08-27-2002, 01:41 AM
I know I wasen't bashing and you may be suprised about how I understand the complex things. I think that this thread has gotten a little out of hand if we all have made Stang this angry.
Spinning Hat
08-27-2002, 06:16 AM
Stang is Always angry. Te men 'round here get the girs pretty mad sometimes.....
08-27-2002, 08:23 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm not mad, if that's helpful. :lol :lol :lol :lol
08-27-2002, 04:52 PM
Im not mad at all :couple:
08-30-2002, 01:06 AM
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Uh huh SURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i see that look on your face !! its just PLAIN EVIL !!! :)
08-30-2002, 01:45 AM
It is??? Well thats not very good. But in reality no one ever to told me to be nice either. I am just glad that Stang isn't mad thats all I can live with looking evil. I like that
08-30-2002, 09:39 AM
Hey Asha, didn't you ask about Sting? Remeber he named it that because he killed those spider creatures with it? Well at any rate as I recall the sword itself does not have a mind of it's own. I seem to remember that Bilbo put the One Ring on and then waved the sword around and Shouted STING!!! over and over again and scared the orcs' off that way. At any rate the sword comes in handy again later with a creature Called Shelob. As does Merry's sword. The other Hobbits' all get swords made by the smities of the Westernesse, when they are released from the Barrow Downs by Tom Bombadil in the beginning of "The Fellowship of the Ring" Needless to say ol Tom had to kick some Barrow Wight ASS to get them out. Seems' Sam and Pippen got the shaft on sword choice thos. There is a great connection between Merry's sword and who it ends up helping to kill. The evil Sorcerer King of Angmar. ;)
08-30-2002, 04:47 PM
Well being Evil is different Dax, and its alot more fun! :devil:
08-31-2002, 07:16 PM
Witch King, Jesterpoo................
XMEN Ashaman DTM
08-31-2002, 08:41 PM
I don't think that was me, Jester.
Thanks for the info though! :D
08-31-2002, 09:00 PM
Only in the index. In the text he is refered to as the Evil Sorcerer King. ;)
09-01-2002, 01:38 PM
Yah, but either is correct and Witch King is shorter to type.....:p
09-02-2002, 08:52 PM
You are going to fight Rogue about LOTR? :nono
You should know you wont win :D .
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-03-2002, 05:02 AM
I'm still confused about why anyone could be mad at what I said...
a little help here?
09-03-2002, 09:16 AM
I not only am not mad at whatever you said, I don't even remember what it was. Which post of yours did you mean? (feel free to call me an idiot here, I really don't remember. I've been distracted lately. )
I dunno, Jester might win. But I tend to doubt it. :vader:
XMEN Ashaman DTM
09-04-2002, 03:14 AM
the one about women being beautiful as well as dangerous (on par with blackholes, supernovae, and the auroras -- in fact, the auroras are what I was referring to).
Please don't bite my head off too hard.
09-04-2002, 10:14 AM
Nah, actually I tend to agree with your comparison. :) Shh, don't tell anyone I said so. ;) :lol
09-04-2002, 03:14 PM
Please, PLEASE lets not get this started again. I am really not in the mood for another round on pissing off the ladies of the forums
09-04-2002, 04:58 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: But I wasn't mad, and neither was Stang!
09-05-2002, 02:03 AM
Ok mabey you weren't mad but Stang was highly irritated. I just don't want to start this all over again.
09-05-2002, 07:45 AM
Stang, you're lucky... I can't marry my best friend.... yet ;)
09-05-2002, 10:26 AM
Theres a thought that will stay in peoples minds for a while
09-05-2002, 10:33 AM
Thoughts are supposed to stay in people's minds for awhile, Xeno. :hug
09-05-2002, 05:00 PM
GOTCHA! :lol
I think I was in a weird mood that week or something cuz I dont even remember why I was mad. I was mad at you guys bashing on us but for anything else I have no clue. Last few weeks I've been in and out of it lately dont know why. But Im all good now :D. I agree women can be dangerous and beautiful, we do it to you guys all the time :D.
Well hopefully someday you will Laurelin :).
Thoughts are like memories
09-06-2002, 10:07 AM
We're dangerous and beautiful like poisonous orchids, or rainbow bridges that aren't really bridges... Wouldn't that suck?
It's okay, Stang... We all get really really mad sometimes. I usually get really depressed after I get mad too, which makes me completely anti-social for a week or so.
09-06-2002, 11:56 AM
Funny I have been anti social for about 9 years now. Maybe thats why I don't have any friends. Other than those online who don' t really know me that well.
09-06-2002, 02:46 PM
:redbounce :redbounce I've been antisocial my entire life. Funny how that usually keeps me from getting dumped on. ;)
09-06-2002, 03:39 PM
You can say that again. I couldn't agree more with you XRogue.
09-07-2002, 11:18 AM
You guys are funny you can turn a Thread about LOTR into a 7 page Thread about women :) LMAO !!!!
Spinning Hat
09-07-2002, 01:54 PM
it's the nature of the beast, Dax.... It sometimes works for us, or against us....
09-07-2002, 03:09 PM
:2lol: You act like you don't want to discuss women, Daxipoo. Would you rather it was 7 pages of male-bashing?
Thanks, Xeno. :gryph0:
09-08-2002, 01:23 PM
Bring on the male bashing... I'm game ;)
09-10-2002, 03:19 AM
Ok even though I am a man I think that the ladies will get a kick out of this.
How many men does is take to change a toilet roll???
Who knows its never been done!!!
Hail and Kill
Spinning Hat
09-10-2002, 06:05 AM
:2lol: :redbounce :2lol: :worship: :2lol: :redbounce :worship: :alcoholic :alcoholic :alcoholic
09-10-2002, 04:45 PM
:p :grab:
09-10-2002, 05:49 PM
:2lol: :lol :2lol: :lol :2lol: :lol :2lol: :lol :2lol: :lol
That can be said about many things for you guys :D
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