View Full Version : These Threats
05-22-2002, 12:14 AM
have got to stop! They issue one every freakin day. Dont get me wrong its great they are doing their best to protect us but when the time comes when its a SERIOUS threat majority of us are not going to take it serious cuz of the many threats in the past. I dont think we need to know about them unless they have good reliable sources behind them. I dont think they will strike NY again anyways unless it is the Statue Of Liberty, they want the big landmarks so they get a reaction out of us. So watch every city not just NY.
I heard they get over a 100 threats a day. Just imagine if they issued warnings on just half of those, nobody will believe ya down the road. Lets not start this Crying Wolf thing on something that should be taken more seriously it effects all of us in the end.
And just another little rant, NY is a great city but so is EVERY other city in the USA. Yes a VERY VERY tragic thing happened but dont leave out all the rest of us, NY isnt the whole country.
05-22-2002, 02:04 PM
NY has always thought they were tho.......I hear ya about not causing a panic or crying wolf alot.
05-22-2002, 04:10 PM
Bah, panic... That's all the US gov't has to worry about, now. Its external policies are laughable... What's up with backing out of all these international accords because their mandates don't meet that of the US's? That's retarded... If the US wants to be a player, it has to deal with the fact that having power makes you a target... and instead of sitting on their asses and not trying to play a dynamic role in the establishment of peace in the nations that are targeting them. Cuba embargos? Hello!!! To give a flimsy excuse like "Cuba's corrupt government would take all the proceeds..." well, duh! They *are* a communist country. And I'm sorry, but living standards in Cuba are higher than in a lot of other places around the world, despite the embargos by the US. What does that mean? it means the US doesn't want to back down from a decision it made all those years ago, and face humiliation. Same reason why embargos on Iraq aren't being lifted.
Sorry... didn't mean to get going... External policy interests me greatly, since I did an independent study on the practice of NGO's vs. governmental agencies in the delivery of foreign aid. The threats will not stop until the US gets off it's high-horse, and decides to play a big role in what is going on, instead of trying so hard to protect it's own "interests"...
05-22-2002, 04:30 PM
What, and get griped at for interfering yet again?:confused:
05-22-2002, 05:06 PM
Exactly we try to help and in return we get yelled at for interfering.
05-22-2002, 07:03 PM
Laur you are seriously misinformed.
05-23-2002, 07:14 PM
Seriously misinformed? Do you *want* me to start talking about the perils of US AID? The government agency that was collapsed by the US government for not being efficient, and in fact, destroying the nations it was meant to help? No. The reason why you get yelled at for interfering is because you're not peacekeepers... you're peacemakers. There is a large difference. I'm all for a little elbow grease to get things done, but the history of US campaigns in the last 30 years has been anything but glorious (Vietnam, Gulf, Somalia, Bosnia, etc). I *am*, however, over generalizing. It's because I don't want to get into a technical political argument, while trying to state my point of view.
One day, Cerb, I am going to send you a tape of the show "Talking with Americans"... Then you will see who is misinformed, and who knows more about their neighbours to the south then they do about their own nation.
05-23-2002, 07:44 PM
LOL, sure. We can do something or we can do nothing, I think you would prefer that we do something. So, never ever critizize us.
05-23-2002, 07:48 PM
Right... and that's the most effective, democratic way... You sound *so* communist, Cerb. :P
I can't believe you would statements about our government like that Laurelin. :mad:
05-27-2002, 03:16 AM
Unfortunately, I wouldn't have to make statements unless I saw them to be at least partly true. However, being a youth, and being told by a very special teacher in my senior year (OAC in Ontario = senior in the states) to question everything, and accept nothing for granted until it's already happened. I'm just as critical about our provincial and federal gov'ts.... So don't feel bad, Jode. I don't hate Americans, in fact, I love you guys. Somehow, despite all the bad quotes that manage to come out of Bush's mouth, you guys still have all the patriotism anyone in the world needs...But seriously. I have few problems with any living being... I don't hate the man, I dislike the decisions he's made while in the position of president. I dislike his platform. I dislike the pullout from the Kyoto protocol, the constant nagging for a stronger NATO force, the intn'l relations (especially with countries like Cuba and Iran), and all the other things that make life in a global community difficult when you aren't a citizen of the United States. (I count myself lucky, however... The world loves Canada enough that there would be outrage if you guys ever thought of manifest destiny crap again ;))
So no, Jode. I don't reflect any of my disrespect on you... I really disrespect all government in the west right now. Britain is about the only place I actually like (Democratic socialism), but even then they're slipping into right wing 'democracy'.
I guess I could cut you a little slack, this being the "bitch pit" and all.
But you were starting to piss me off! :lol
05-27-2002, 03:33 PM
Heh... I piss everyone off... Even myself, :lol
I don't recall Laur pissing me off :P
05-27-2002, 06:01 PM
I just haven't tried hard enough, Mazzy darlin'... That, and you're my bitch, so its my *JOB* to piss you off :P
05-28-2002, 08:24 PM
Its funny how some people can sit back and gripe about our government or any government when they arent in the seat doing what they do everyday. Yes there is alot about government that just blows, stupidity, and just simple things that can be thought of instead of thinking deeply about it to resolve the situation.
I dont think we realize how hard some decisions are to make like bombing a town or whatever it may be. Could you sit there and make those decisions and feel good about it? Sometimes you cant gripe about things that you really have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. We get to see a small ass portion of what goes on.
So lets not bash the US plz. We cant all be perfect but no one can. There are other countries that are so much worse than us so be greatful. Im proud of our country and what it has done over in Pakistan, we helped all those people get freedom and be able to do what they want not what they are told.
05-29-2002, 03:32 AM
Okies... I won't bash your country aloud... But don't think for a minute I support your government... You see, I wouldn't be making the decision to bomb a town... I'd be working on erasing the generations of hatred that have been swelling up in the arab world, not knocking them down even further. So no... I feel no remorse for the people in the hot seat, and if I weren't a cultural minority, I would become a politician in Canada.
05-29-2002, 08:34 AM
Unfortunately, ppl have tried to get the Arab countries to stop feuding for a long time. Guess what, history has shown they don't wanna. So how would you solve that, darlin'?
There is no good solution from where I sit.
Btw, Britain is not a democratic socialism. It's an oligarchic socialism.
05-29-2002, 10:03 AM
oligarchic? Like, as in Sparta oligarchy? righto...
It's not a matter of stopping the feuding in the arab world, it's a matter of equally supporting the arabs as well as the israelis, or the hindus, or whoever they're in conflict with. The other problem in my mind is that there isn't any excuse for dropping a bomb on any city in this day and age. There are extreme exceptions, like the rise of the fourth reich, or whatever... But Baghdad? Kandahar? right... No, I don't agree, and I will never agree.
05-29-2002, 11:29 AM
Something like Sparta..........
XMEN Ashaman DTM
05-29-2002, 11:02 PM
The way that I see it, violence is always an option. ESPECIALLY in the international community. It may not be the best option 99% of the time, but it's always something that people listen to.
That's the justification for dropping bombs on a town or an anti-aircraft installation. If you break the will of the enemy, he won't want to fight back.
I do see your point, Laur about the US government basically putting "band-aids" on problems around the world. You're right that the hatred needs to be erased. But it can not happen in one generation, or even two or three. Look at the way that the South treated black people LONG after the Civil War, in the US. Much of that was hate propagating down through generations. I think that the most efficient way to destroy the hate would be to break apart the family as the basic unit; and swap children. Harsh, but it would guarantee that people see the other side. AND it just may kill the hatred.
Another HUGE problem with the US government, is that they truly do not support democracy in other nations. Look at Afghanistan for example. The people there still live the way they have always lived, and there are still warlords ruling the common folk. (Only now they are called "mayors" or "governors".) How democratic is that? The people should be allowed to make the decisions as to who is put in power. The very same people that live there. If the US is about pushing democracy throughout the world, and the individual freedoms that US citizens have, then why not really PUSH?
Laur, you sound so European! (This statement meaning that many Europeans feel that diplomacy is always the best way for problems to be worked out.) Nothing wrong with belonging to that ideology, except we don't live in a world where someone else using violence as a tool is guaranteed not to use it.
I see no problem with doing what is in the best interest of the US, but don't lie about what you are really doing. (Like in Afghanistan: the Taliban being taken apart was good, and served our purpose for hunting Bin Laden, but saying that you are doing it to free the people of Afghanistan is not entirely true...that's a byproduct of your actions.)
It may sound selfish to many people, but I will always try to do what is in my own best interest first. Then do what is in the best interest of others, if it does not get in my way. That's really what everyone does...some look out for others to make themselves feel good (thus serving a form of self interest). I think that the concept can be applied to a nation as well as an individual. (For if you are not able to help yourself, how can you help others?)
05-30-2002, 07:40 AM
Well said. :)
05-31-2002, 03:00 AM
I agree... I try to do what is best for me, despite how hard it is.
I *AM* European. (%50 Ukrainian)... And maybe it is partially because of my family history that I don't agree with wars... Let's see... My Grandparents on my dad's side made it out of Europe in the mid 30's by scattering and meeting up by fate in France. Then they took the boat to Canada, went to Winnipeg (like all good Ukrainian-Canadians), and started raising a family. The horror stories, tho, of those conflicts around WWI and II... My Gransmother can still remember the sound of a carpet-bombing. My grandpa (god rest his soul) was forced to serve in the russian army in the russo-finnish conflict just prior to WWII.... They got away before all the horrible things happened as Hitler was coming to Russia...
So yes... I have real problems with a world that is driven to that extreme. There is always an agressor, however... I do agree that the world has to stand up for justice, and possibly meet evil with counter-force... It's just the image people outside the US have of the US... You will never understand, simply because you're an insider. But a great deal of people are frightened of what is going to come to pass... Especially when a simple American pull out from something like an international tribune for war crimes (yet another case of 'best-ineterest' for the US) can cause the idea of Justice to flounder. That's why I'm bitter, and angry that things aren't being done that I see (and many people see) need to be done.
08-15-2002, 03:57 AM
Look people I live i Iceland and I get the news from a European point of view except for the things I read on the internet. The amout of "threats" that the states get is huge and for a number of reasons. I was raised in Wisconsin in a small town and later joined the Airforce and saw the world. I moved away from the United States because I wanted to live with my family and I didn't feel safe there any more. By the time I got out of the Airforce in 98 I could see the wrighting on the wall. We send billions over seas and they all hate us. Plain and simple. Why is that??? Who knows where is starts but these treats are more to keep us in fear than any thing else.
The hole point of terrorism is fear. They destroyed 3000 lives on 9/11 and now they can keep us in our rapture of fear just by saying that something it going to happen and the Paranoia starts. Thats what they want.
I want the media to shut the f--k up. They talk without any thought of the consequences. Why did BinHiden escape because he knew where the U.S. troops were and when they woule get there. "Loose lips sink ships" If I was still in the military I would be doing everything I could to get out at this point. With each news report the saftery of our troops falls.
How real is the threat??? Who knows, but it is there and thats what our enimies want us to know and fear.
Nuke them till they glow and use their babies as runway lights
Hail & Kill
Spinning Hat
08-15-2002, 08:13 AM
Xenocide, I'd have to agree with you on that. I think the terrorist nations in the world need to be turned to glass. The only problem, is the nuclear fallout. Frankly, I'm so sick of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I could sream. As an American, I DON'T CARE who holds jerusalem or the Gaza Strip, or what the **** ever. Yes, I believe in god, and read the Bible, but does it really matter who OWNS the damn places? No. The UN ****** up in the 40's when they just took some land away fom people and gave it to the Jews. That was wrong. But really, let the Bastards fight it out to the death, last man standing wins. It'll save the US quite a bit of money.
:usa: :vader: :usa: :banned: :usa:
08-15-2002, 01:32 PM
AHMEN to that Brother. I coulden't agree more. Even to the point that nothing else needs to be said.
By the way you live close to where I grew up. I come form Luck Wisconsin (NOT a Packer fan. A Bears fan)
08-15-2002, 06:57 PM
Both of you put that exactly right on the head.
Stop interferring in others business, let them ruin eachother.
08-16-2002, 06:09 PM
:hug I knew I liked you two.:hug :usa:
Spinning Hat
08-17-2002, 09:34 AM
I've never been to Luck, WI, but have heard of it... You poor poor cheesehead... ;)
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