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Old 11-21-2004, 05:35 PM   #2
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Now I will hit on a hot topic. Homosexuality. I don't have that attraction, so I have no idea what it is as a truth in and of itself. As far as I know, it can be a psychological condition. That is all I know.

Do people see this stuff as wickedness? Oh yeah, plenty of folks will put that out. Why? It seems to me there are a number of reasons. One, they simply feel so unattracted to the same sex, its like when kids talk about cooties and stuff; like me, they find it a revolting possibility. I admit that is what I feel about the stuff. Also, they work on moving reasons around to support their ideas about it. One - in the early days, it probably was thought that it weakened the future of a clan or society by removing the drive to have more and more children for purposes of either warfare, hunting parties, or simple weight of numbers. Perhaps. Perhaps it further lead into people saying it simply isn't the most complete joy in living.

A loyal homosexual couple never knows the joy of introducing a child into the world. That sort of unionism.

Most feared it as the cause of diseases, like AIDS - or promotes their spread.

Notice that none of these perspectives do I hear from homosexuals.

What I do not like, besides my aversion, is a homosexual male wishing to overpower me physically for his own gain. Homophobia. For such a thing, I would sin against God and probably work to kill the man. This is simply my own perception. I do not like knowing what I am capable of as a man.

That my religion speaks of it in as falling short of the target, I can see where that is so. After all, most of the Bible's teachings on sexual relations deal with the family as a unit, or no sex at all. That is a reasonable stance, in my opinion. However, our awareness of sex as a pleasurable experience and desirable have constantly placed it as a loss if not experienced.

Thus, it can be easily concluded that the Bible's stance is unreasonable in a society rooted in freedoms.

Now, this is where we come to a problem I have seen quite a lot of.

One: a conservative stance as being reasonable
Two: a non-conservative stance as being reasonable

This is one argument that is quite heated in the world of today. I cannot judge anyone else on such a personal issue - there is no instance of me being right over someone else being wrong on this issue.

This is why, as a secular society that America is - I do not have an opinion about this issue. Men and women fall short of a true and good target on so many things, should there be a Law against their pursuit of happiness when it deals with personal attractions and fears? I say let them know themselves and act according to the way as God made them.

My only true concern is whether a marriage is for all intent and purpose the same between a homosexual couple and a heterosexual couple, and what defines a marriage. This is also a hot topic today. If homosexuals marry and do not have the responsibility of children, is it the same as heterosexuals who marry and have the responsibility of children? What of those heterosexuals that cannot have children and are wed to each other? Isn't it that we fully support a heterosexual marriage without children the same as not? Is that due to the numbers game?

I believe this definition, what is Law, what is Honorable, and what our society should support is decent to look at. If I merely based my opinions on this matter by a religious quote - I am robotic in my assumptions. That is unwise.

As many of you know, I have been struggling with the issue. What is True Love? If God loves us, wouldn't he want our joy to be fulfilled? I cannot speak for what a homosexual love is. I do not have any understanding of that.

However, from my heterosexual viewpoint, I can say that finding my loving wife is a joy fulfilled. It is something sought for life until found for life. If a homosexual has this same drive, only for someone of the same chromosome arrangement - I can think there is honor in them, only of a different sort.

Either way, in regards to love and marriage, I have rarely seen a relationship work to such a degree as honor demands. Perhaps we do not place the same import on remaining in a relationship as we once did. I do not know. This is what really complicates my view. For me, marriage is one shot. I won't marry twice, for my heart does not work that way. You can tout rings and documents before me, but marriage is more than either tradition. Marriage is the union between me and my love. No paper nor piece of metal can signify what that means to me.

That others need such devices shows that they have not fully recognized in themselves what they need in someone else. My half of the contract is the same as my match. On such neutral ground I know my honor is met with her as an individual. No one can be, nor replace, such a person in all the universe.

I will let everyone else live their lives - this is my own personal perception of what is best for me.

That is how I will close my topic.
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