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Old 05-10-2002, 07:32 AM   #6
Emo Queen
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Uhh.... No. Let's check on PS2 sales, compared to Gamecube... No. At any rate, I think the bill would be good, but it really excuses bad parenting. It gives parents an excuse to play no part in the lives of their children, and how they buy/play video games. I hate to rant, but when I was a kid (Up until I was 17), my parents had to approve everything I wanted to buy, let alone just video games. I borrowed a lot of nitendo games from my aunt, and as such, my parents didn't worry. There's also another factor in my childhood that isn't present today, and that is the realism of the games being presented. I has playing 8-bit games. It's *REALLY* hard to think you're Solid Snake when he's a 3 centimetre tall 8-bit pixel person. Now a days, the graphics are so advanced that individual hairs can be rendered and you can see exactly what each character looks like, what they wear, what type of gun they're using, etc. So yes, I do believe there has to be some sort of governmental support for limiting this advanced realism from taking over the minds of the young. No, I don't believe that playing video games will make you a mail-bomber, or a rapist, whatever. I do believe, however, that playing video games that are realistic *DO* induce you to becoming one with a character, even if you don't conciously realise it. So yes, I can see kids wanting to be the guy from GTA 3, or maybe the Doom guy, maybe only as a Halloween costume. But that's where the parents should be coming in and setting an example. I fear that parents are relying on Video games more and more and more to amuse their children, as opposed to taking an interactive and dynamic role in their lives. I'm not branding every parent who has a Video Game system. God, if my parents haden't let me play video games at all, I would have become violent. But no. They forced me to play outside with friends, and to go on picnics and camping trips and visiting trips, all without video games. We played board games, cards, we talked, we went out bowling, whatever. So if it takes a bill to force American (and I include the US's northern buddies in this, as it is a western world issue) parents to realise how out of sync they are with their kids, then I'm for it, and hope the Federal Legislature adopts a similar motion.

Sorry for the long post... I wrote it in the quick post, without realising it was going to be long.

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